Will it live?


New Member
Yesterday my little sprout had a top on it with four leaves, like my other 3 sprouts, but when I went to check on them today I noticed that one of my tops was missing, I dont know what happened to it, I think a bug or something ate it. I really dont know, will it live? lol


Active Member
Wow....very dead...the chances of that sucker coming back are like that dude that walked on water...I think his name was Phil or something.....?


Well-Known Member
I fucked my sprout (not a bug) the other way, completely snapped the roots off, seperated the stem and leafs from what was below the ground. I was able to keep what i had left alive (root hormone, bury)...but mine had leaves to eat...

Just saying - its not over till its a rinkled dry piece of crap. Just leave it and see...why not???


just some guy
nice looking stem anyway.

smell your cats breath, see if it smells like weed leaves.


New Member
nice looking stem anyway.

smell your cats breath, see if it smells like weed leaves.

nah my cat takes the buds we have drying and runs off with them to eat :blsmoke: cat wont touch stuff we buy, only wants our home grown stuff :evil: lol picky bastard wants the good stuff lmao


New Member
oh yeah lol I kinda forgot to come on here and say "May the little stick that could... *sniffle* R.I.P." it died meh oh well lol.


Well-Known Member
It was probably a desperate stoner who dose not have any bud so smokes your leaves ^^
... He left the stem to taunt you

I bet you were like Dam! what happened here??


Well-Known Member
that sucks dude , i noticed you were growing in clear containers?
Thats not good !! roots dont like light , you need containers that block out the light .......for future reference.