Will it be safe to change lights?

Hello I'm a new growers and the light I'm using is fine for them to grow there 3rd set but I don't think it will work from on out its just a cheap light from Amazon I already bought a new one and I'm wondering if it's going to be fine if I change them? this is the light im using and there's 2 plants in the tent
i bought the vipar xs1500Screenshot_20240723_151320_Amazon Shopping.jpgScreenshot_20240723_151327_Amazon Shopping.jpg
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ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Yea, start dim. 30 percent or so let em adjust. Then 50 next week, then 75%, and finally around week three u should be able to have your light all the way on. Young plants don't like intense light at first.


these blue lila light is good 4 vegetative stage 400-600ppfd in seedling stage 200-400ppfd (the old lights when led start was this colors) but in bloom you need 600-900ppfd maybe last 2 weeks of bloom 1000ppfd and we need more red spektrum. in bloom use the xs1500 then. idont like vipaspectra, but the light will be good enough:rolleyes: and is white fullspektrum light! you can use it ,for vegetative and bloom and can change it now if you want 40cm away 25-30% maybe!

here is the ppfd map look the light is 2 or 3 times more powerful then the lila blue:
71RgeQey+2L._AC_SL1500_.jpghere the xs1500 ppfd map ^^ sry i post the xs1500 pro before...

look more red/orange and yellow spectrum then blue
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Well-Known Member
I would not use those lights unless I had no other option.

In a small grow space, I would go with the Vipar XS-1500 Pro.

(checks the OP's message again) - good you have a Vipar. Is it the XS 1500 or the XS-1500 Pro? I've got the 1500, which I bought a few years back, and the Pro is a far superior product. The cheap lights whose pictures you've posted generate very little usable light.

Simple point - at 12", the PPFD map (light intensity) shows that a tiny square in the middle is 512µmol (micro mol). That's not enough for flower. If you move a few inches away from center, the light levels collapse. Seedlings should be run at 300 and you should get your plants to 800-1000 in flower. Those lights might be good for some plants but can not produce adequate levels of light for cannabis.

How big is your grow space?

If you're in a 2' x 4', I'd add another XS-1500 Pro.


I would not use those lights unless I had no other option.

In a small grow space, I would go with the Vipar XS-1500 Pro.

(checks the OP's message again) - good you have a Vipar. Is it the XS 1500 or the XS-1500 Pro? I've got the 1500, which I bought a few years back, and the Pro is a far superior product. The cheap lights whose pictures you've posted generate very little usable light.

Simple point - at 12", the PPFD map (light intensity) shows that a tiny square in the middle is 512µmol (micro mol). That's not enough for flower. If you move a few inches away from center, the light levels collapse. Seedlings should be run at 300 and you should get your plants to 800-1000 in flower. Those lights might be good for some plants but can not produce adequate levels of light for cannabis.

How big is your grow space?

If you're in a 2' x 4', I'd add another XS-1500 Pro.
oh oh delps8 is here huhu ! and oops i look the wrong ppfd map...but i correct it....
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I would not use those lights unless I had no other option.

In a small grow space, I would go with the Vipar XS-1500 Pro.

(checks the OP's message again) - good you have a Vipar. Is it the XS 1500 or the XS-1500 Pro? I've got the 1500, which I bought a few years back, and the Pro is a far superior product. The cheap lights whose pictures you've posted generate very little usable light.

Simple point - at 12", the PPFD map (light intensity) shows that a tiny square in the middle is 512µmol (micro mol). That's not enough for flower. If you move a few inches away from center, the light levels collapse. Seedlings should be run at 300 and you should get your plants to 800-1000 in flower. Those lights might be good for some plants but can not produce adequate levels of light for cannabis.

How big is your grow space?

If you're in a 2' x 4', I'd add another XS-1500 Pro.
2.5x2.5 and it is the pro
And the only reason I used the Amazon one was bc I didn't have the money and I bought a better one when I did