will it be a female?

i got this eighth from this local club, and its a strain ive gotten lots of times. and its the house strain so it is a consistent strain, super dank headband, that has been the same every time i smoke it (3 months) and this last time i found a seed.

my question - will the seed be a female? or is it the chance game as usual?

why did the seed come from such good quality usually seedless weed?


Well-Known Member
30-50% of all seeds are males so I would say get a wet paper towel, soak it till its damp not until u can see water above the paper. then let the little seed sitting there in a very dark (pitch black) warm place for about 3 days, and check on it everyday. U might need to add water if the paper towel gets dry. The reason you got it is because the strain that was sold to the club at that particular time was a hermaphrodite. Its happened to me, btw if it has little leopard spots/strips and is not white, do what i said, then plant that sucker when the root is about 1/2 of an inch, ive even waited till it was an inch long.
fasho and its just gonna be a wait and see process? cause its a really nice strain and it was good smoke so if she turns out female id be down to make her a mother but idk if the genetics would be up to par