will i have smoke for new years ???

Im at 3 weeks flowering...buds are starting to fill in nice. any chance they will be ready to pick by new years eve ??? if i go to 11 hours of light will that speed up the process. I have family coming in on 12-31-13. would love for these to be done by then but if not i think ill be ok. i do have a pic on my last post


Well-Known Member
Would depend really...
What strain, or which way leaning are they? Sativa , indica , afgahanica, dom?
also are they from seed or clones? , have you grown them before?

I guess wait and just look at the trichs when the time cometh. Ypu could always have an immature harvest from a branch.

Take it easy..


Well-Known Member
Sorry but I think you are looking more like late Jan early Feb for being smoke-able if the go standard 9 week and a 2 week cure. Patience pays off though, she will tell you when she is done, do you have a scope? That is really the only way to go when you aren't sure.
