will i have 3 tops or back to 1???


so i topped my little girl last Sunday and today she finally started growing again but iv noticed something odd. i seem to have left a piece of plant material on the stem after i topped it. kinda like as if i didn't make a full complete cut.......well either way, that little piece has started growing and looks like either a.) i'm going to now have a 3rd top or B.) i just wasted a week and put unneeded stress on my plant in a failed topping attempt because that piece is going to continue to think it is the top and the 2 side branches will not go dominant. what is making me worry is that she grew a ton today after sitting for a week and the top 2 side branches show no signs growing away from the main stem and becoming the tops but everything else grew and perked up......im confused....:dunce:


worst case scenario you get two tops bro, no need to worry just let it be, you can also fim ur girl to get 4 of them, cutting 80% of side growth


Well-Known Member
almost sounds like a fim (or a fuck I missed my fim :D). but I've had this sort of thing happen a fair amount. Anytime you are clipping, especially with smaller plants, the odds increase that something will be missed. Usually results in a 3rd top which is lower, but still get a mid sized flower.


Well-Known Member
You didn't waste any time. When the plant was topped it automatically re-directed the growth hormones
down to the next lower node. You didn't stop growing, you just moved the growing around.



thanks guys, yeah the plant seems to be responding fairly well and that little shoot that grew is still tiny and i am curious how its going to turn out.