will flowering take longer with mh?

salad cigar

Active Member
hi,i am in to week 8 of flowering with a 250 mh,i am growing white rhino,i have learnt that they should flower for between 8 and 10 weeks.will it take longer cause i using mh and not hps.i only have 2 plants and the yield looks to be small,but this is a first grow and i will change lots for my next.


Well-Known Member
hps would help a fair amount during flowering becuase it gives a more orange light of the spectrum which simulates the autumn sun when the plant knows its time to flower. and its said that hps increases your yeild.

salad cigar

Active Member
i know that hps would be best for flower,i thought i was using hps until week 6 of flower when my bulb died.i went down local grow shop and the guy told me it was mh.i have tried a hps bulb in my lamp,but its an old one and will only run mh.what i need to know is will it take longer to flower.or will it be the same as with hps,just with a smaller yield.thanks