Will a hermi get me high?


Active Member
i did a somewhat sea of green grow this past time and one of my plants was a hermaphrodite which i didn't notice soon enough. since all my plants ended up getting pollinated by the time i noticed it i moved it to a seperate location to finish. im about to cut it down, but don't want to wast my time trimming all the leaves off it won't get me stoned. i'm assuming that the plant will get me baked, but not certain. does anyone else have any information or personal experience on this topic?
most likely cause it still has female parts also. most of the commercial bag weed that is sold has seeds in it, so just because your plant hermies and gets seeds doesn't mean it won't get you high. if you're not a pot snob and enjoy what you can get, then you should be satisfied with the result.


Well-Known Member
It'll get you high but you might decide you like guys after you smoke it or grow Boob's don't know if I would risk it.


Active Member
They might be able to find some for...oh wait...plants. We're talking about plants.

IN THAT CASEEE...Of course. I mean, depending on how bad it hermied on ya, the potency might be affected, but you will get high.

I've had chemD's hermie on me, just never shot pollen. I trimmed the yellow flowers and it was still fire...no bullshit.
As long as you still let it go to maturity after discovering it was a herm, it should be fine. Sure, it put a chunk of its resin production energy towards seed production, but it's still bud. You've probably still paid for worse (we all have). If the seeds are mature they're guaranteed female and probably danker than your average bagseed.


Well-Known Member
From personal exp of smokin hermie/seeded Bud both grown by myself (in my growing early days lol) and bought from other source's of corse it'll get you stoned/high mate just maybe not as much as proper female/seedless/sensimellia Bud IMO.


well i cured the bud for a couple of weeks and smoked it...got me baked
That's what I like to hear!!!

Just finishing up my 1st grow and figured out i had a hermie in there, too... came across your thread doing a search for the very same question you asked.


Well-Known Member
If it gets you high then its cool and the gang. Just don't tell your friends that late at night you like to smoke hermaphrodites.