will a heavy frost/freeze ruin my buds


Active Member
Ive got 4 girls. 3 about2-3ft. tall. i have one big. its going to definitely frost 2night. i get alerts on my phone about the weather. and i got two that said frost 2nite. then i got 1 that said(FREEZING warning) one of my plants got damaged so it is behind in flowering compared to the rest. my question is should i pull all or some. Would it be ok 2 take the tops and let them go. and would it be ok 2 leave the one that is behind..... behind for another week or so. also, Me and the girls have a long distince relatioinship. so covering them is not really an option HA please help


Active Member
Where u at mate im hearing about frost tonight too and i was wondering the same thing. i herd leaving them out for a frost or 2 will make them think they are dying so they will suck up all the nutes and such all to the buds..not sure how true that is i was wondering myself.


Active Member
Michigan usa area.... my buddy grows a lot and he said not 2 worry about it but i am still concerned because it is supposed to be thick. what u said kind of makes since. i was thinking about mold from the frost after it melts. this sucks