Will 2 plants stink up my house?


Hi there,

I'm planning on growing just 2 plants in a grow tent in my basement (I never grew bud before). I"ll be growing White Widow, and Kush. I'm worried about the smell when they start flowering - Will having only 2 plants stink up my house?

Thank you in advance!


Well-Known Member
Some strains have more oder than others. But generally, yes. Once they hit the flower mode you may want to be ready.


Well-Known Member
Yes, But having them in a closed-off space with some Ona Gel outside will help. That or get a carbon filter attached to an exhaust fan. But yeah, they smell and it spreads everywhere. You won't notice it because you'll get used to it, but others will.


it will smell but it is pretty easy to control, its during the drying process that it really stinks in my experience


buy that odor control spray, control humidity and the temperature to make sure not too much hot air rises and I think you will be fine with 2 plants in a basement, emphasizing the 2 and the basement. Once your past harvest hopefully you'll be good for another.


Well-Known Member
just get a carbon filter to filter the exhaust air from the tent and you will be good. Otherwise yes, 2 plants will be noticable throughout the whole house.