Herball, please go do some research before you spout lies on here. HPS cannot hold a CANDLE to CFL's or MH for vegging. During flowering, HPS is king. CFL's will CRUSH an HPS for vegging though. HPS bulbs produce stretching plants with much fewer nodes than a CFL will over the same amount of time vegging. Any experienced grower would confirm this outright. Frankly, its you who is full of shit on this issue. Its like you didnt even read what this poster wanted to accomplish, but instead came up with a rant about HPS bulbs. He doesnt want to flower indoors, he wants to veg them and then plant them outdoors. Why the hell would he spend all the money for an HPS which is mainly for flowering? Why the HELL would you suggest he not get a MH instead, if you are deadset on an HID lamp. It sounds like YOU need to do some reading on the subject.