Wife tried pot last night (backfired like a mofo)


Well-Known Member
So she has never smoked pot ever before. She came home after drinking with her girlfriends and I was already high as a kite. She kept insisting that she wanted to try it and I could tell in her voice that it was more to spite me. She I showed her how to hit the bong. She did it twice without coughing. She was going like a pro but said that she wasn't feeling anything. I was still in shock because the idea of her asking me to smoke was such a foreign idea to me. I mean it is the same feeling you get when you come home to find your sweet, innocent, "missionary only" wife waiting with another woman when you get home (well, I would imagine).

So she rips it a 3rd time but instead of filling the bong, pulling the carb and taking the hit, she just keeps sucking. She takes it allllllllllll the way down and starts freaking out because her lungs are burning. Of course I finish the hit (my fucking weed, why do I want to waste it) and then get her to start drinking water. If I was smart I would have MADE her quit right there. She finally calmed down but her lungs still hurt. She said she didn't feel anything (its also just schwag) and picked up the bong again. She takes a good hit and loses her mind.

She ran to the bathroom and tossed her cookies. She kept drinking water, crying and telling me to "fix it" and that her lungs burned. Now I never threw up but I came close the first few times. I also was reading this forum so I knew how good pot could be, that was my motivation to keep smoking. Of course she says she will never do it again and says that her stomach still hurts today.

She also now says the smell makes her sick and has always hated me doing it.

So, word to the wise, when introducing a loved one to pot, BE STRAIGHT or it could come back to bite you in the ass.


New Member
I believe the tummy ache was from the drinks she had. Also the throwing of the cookies was from drinks as well. First timers should probably just smoke without drinking first.

This is a great story though! I'm sure she will try it again. Remember to tell her not to drink before hand.


Well-Known Member
yeah. explain to her that weed potentiates most drugs you take it with. that is to say that it accentuates the efffects or makes it 'stronger'. it is never a realy good idea to get wasted on alcohol then smoke weed. better to smoke some weed THEN drink some booze. easier to controll the effect.
if i was you i would invite her to toke up when she hasn't been drinking. it will be a whole other, kinder animal than weed on top of booze.


Well-Known Member
I put the odds of her trying it again up there with her asking if I would like to fuck one of her friends tonight. Sadly I think she is going to be one of those "I tried it once and I hated it, it is just a stupid drug and is only for stoners" types.


Well-Known Member
that's evil letting someone smoke shwag the first time :fire::fire: You probably lost out on the best kind of smoke partner :sad:
I have only ever bought schwag. The idea of spending $40 for one night of fun just doesn't fly when I can get enough to smoke for a month (I can get an O for $50). I have also only ever smoked schwag. Depending on the harvest Gods I might have some good stuff in the not too distant future.


Well-Known Member
Does she smoke cigarettes? If not she may not know how to smoke without swallowing it and we all know how easy it is to swallow the smoke after taking such a big hit. This will possibly make her stomach hurt as well as make her nauseous. Have her hit a joint or take smaller controlled hits on the bong and she will be fine. God Luck.


Well-Known Member

Plus rep - I can relate. I have a wife who has never smoked (but I want her to try it) and I smoke shwag about 95% of the time. I was thinking more along the lines of baking some food and having her try that instead of the smoke. And I am also hoping to put an end to the shwag by getting my own grow up and running and perpetual.



Well-Known Member
never introduce herb to a drunk person...

a lot of hardcore stoners i know dont like to mix herb and alcohol so i can imagine the effect it would have on a rookie


New Member
yeah i used to throw up every now and then from smoking after drinking that that was mainly because i would stuff my self, beer munchies and weed, its terrible.


Well-Known Member
While I hate the "stoner" label I have smoked daily for the last 45ish days so I guess you could call me one lol. I quit drinking all together because of pot (was doing about a 12 pack a day at my worst) and the thought of a night out drinking make me sick. I am to the point where I don't even like the taste of beer anymore.

Back to my wife, this was a one time thing because she had been drinking. She is already talking about it like it was a one night stand with a midget. She is disappointed in herself for her "mistake" last night. lol, little does she know I am going to get so "disappointed" tonight when she goes to work that I will forget my own name.


New Member
Hahaha lmfao. I stopped drinking a while back for weed as well. I would rather smoke a blunt any day than get drunk. Just like you said, the taste of beer is nasty to me now.


Well-Known Member
shit, i love tossin back a cold brew with a joint in the other hand. They go hand in hand if you ask me. But then again, she was prolly super trashed to begin with.

I blame the alcohol, not the pot.

Also if the smoke made her sick, try useing a vaporizer next time? If she don't like the burning sensation, you could always run the vaporizer through a bong with ice cubes, prolly the smoothest hit you'll ever try!