Wierd mutant! Aux branch where a bract/calx should be?


Well-Known Member
Ever seen this? New one for me. Topped a few days ago and at the node of the auxiliary branch where I would expect to see calyx showing preflowers there are instead more branches! I've never seen this personally in my short few years of growing. Just the top two nodes, the bottom nodes are normal. Anyone else? Just thought it was cool.

Not as interesting as I thought?
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When you top you get 2 new shoots instead of the 1 you started with. Nothing weird here. Lol.
The two tops are already fully developed and are coming off either side of where I top, totally normal yes. I'm referring to the little new branches forming at the two top nodes. Note I've removed the fan leaves.
The two tops are already fully developed and are coming off either side of where I top, totally normal yes. I'm referring to the little new branches forming at the two top nodes. Note I've removed the fan leaves.
You might have fimmed which would produce 4 branches. Nothing to be concerned with imo.