

Im just having a moan here, cause i dont think its on at all that i have to sit here in my home with my windows open and have the neighbors DIRTY CIGERETE smoke below through stinking my whole house out. Yet if i was to smoke a nice bowl of skunky stuff in my yard and it was to blow into the direction of there home/buisness i bet id have the cops called.

Its just plain wrong!!!!!!!!!1


Active Member
haha man, I don't smoke cigs cause their gross.. but if they're on their property.. Best close your windows cause EVERYONE smokes ciggerettes ..


Ursus marijanus
I understand whereof OP speaks. I have a neighbor who likes to smoke something nasty ... would not be surprised if the pack's printed in Cyrillic ... outside, at night, when it's not prudent to keep one's windows closed (let in some of the cool night air in prep for the next day's thermal siege). I am quite sensitive to ciggie smoke ... i can always tell if I'm driving behind a car with a smoker in it, whether or not that car's windows are open (mine stay closed). So to have that olfactory assault claim my house on its little cat feet isn't fun. cn


Active Member
dude just shut the window and smoke that bitch out, deal with the heat for a while. Then if you killed your stash open the window back up and let em small. Fuck em you'll have none left anyways incase the coppers do come


Ursus marijanus
I keep my windows open and endure the scent of (probable) Russian prison laundry on fire. But I get to complain here, at least. I'll accept the tiny payoff. cn


Well-Known Member
Ah, the joys of apartment living. I'm so glad I'm in a house. When I lived in apartment, I could rarely open my bedroom windows at night because the balconys were all butted up against each other, and someone was always on their patio late at night smoking and talking loudly, not caring they were literally feet away from three other bedroom windows.

Then I'd close my windows, and sure as shit some moron would be pumping the bass with their music, all night long all I'd hear is thump thump thump. No fucking consideration for others


Well-Known Member
I like the life on a farm, my closest neighbor is 2 miles away & I prefer the smell of shit over that of the cigarettes
I love that video cannabinner posted on an other tread [video=youtube;FavUpD_IjVY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FavUpD_IjVY[/video]
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Well-Known Member
I understand whereof OP speaks. I have a neighbor who likes to smoke something nasty ... would not be surprised if the pack's printed in Cyrillic ... outside, at night, when it's not prudent to keep one's windows closed (let in some of the cool night air in prep for the next day's thermal siege). I am quite sensitive to ciggie smoke ... i can always tell if I'm driving behind a car with a smoker in it, whether or not that car's windows are open (mine stay closed). So to have that olfactory assault claim my house on its little cat feet isn't fun. cn
Throw open the window, take as huge of a whiff as you can squeeze into your beak, and then emit a violent spray of epic 70's throw-up out the window onto him. #WINNING


Ursus marijanus
Like obijohn, I'm in a house. That nasty Russian 'backy (it could just be expired Camels; wdik?? It's some old-school tobacco ... not "light" at all ... ) drifts sideways a few dozen feet. I'm always impressed at how undiluted it is when it gets to my intake windows. cn


Active Member
damn you don't like smokin with cigarrettes? i got the whole episode for your ass.
