Why You Should Want To Legalize Marijuana


Active Member
With the legalization of marijuana, people will be more calm. Also there will be alot of drama knocked completely out of this world. Marijuana is the answer!!


Well-Known Member
Because if you take the profit out of it, organized crime drops it like a bad habit.
Get Organized crime out of it.


Well-Known Member
With the legalization of marijuana, people will be more calm. Also there will be alot of drama knocked completely out of this world. Marijuana is the answer!!
I don't agree, pot alone is not going to save anybody. I just think its a personal freedom and the effects of the drug war are far worse than the effects of this drug. The uses of industrial hemp alone are incredible. Marijuana has numerous medical benefits as well. Some people prefer pot over alcohol and I believe they should be able to make that choice. I really support this movement SAFER - Home


why so i dont go to jail for growing a few plants, i have hundreds of other plants in my yard and thats ok but dont grow the wacky tobbacy i think thats fu&#in gay


Well-Known Member
so i could get my medicine with out the feds closing the only few I have, down, which is already a 80 mile drive.


New Member
Geeze, what would a poor weed traficker do then? He'd have to sell the Lambo and the beverly hills mansion and get a job. That's harsh.


Active Member
Because if you take the profit out of it, organized crime drops it like a bad habit.
Get Organized crime out of it.

without organized crime, how would the FBI look like theyre doing their job?

In america, to understand why things are prohibited, you must look at the interests that oppose them. In marijuanas case it is tbacco and cotton.

Hemp makes for a very universal product that has a number of beneficial uses. Of course, what is the main fabric used in america? Cotton. So, you can do the math here

How about tobacco? Arguably one of the largest industries in the world. They have so much money, that they can basically do anything they want. Thats read: pay off the right people

Look at healthcare for example. Pushed by democrats. Republicans were paid off and funded by insurance companies to make sure that didnt happen. Look it up folks


New Member
People who want to smoke pot are already smoking it. Why turn the pot market over to government to tax, regulate and control?

Why chip away at, and destroy, a huge cash crop that supports the only free economy we have left ... the underground economy?



Well-Known Member
In america, to understand why things are prohibited, you must look at the interests that oppose them. In marijuanas case it is tbacco and cotton.
And timber, the criminal justice industry (law enforcement, courts, and the penal system), the alcohol consortium, pharmaceutical companies, and the petroleum industry. Let's not forget the cartels.


New Member
At $20 per gram, $60 an eighth, $120 a quarter, $400-$500 a zip, $3500-$4000 an elbow, and no 1099s, doesn't it seem a bit dumb to want to legalize weed? Just sayin ... :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
The Problem with what your saying Vi is that Cannabis isn't going to be legalized unless Uncle Sam gets his slice of the pie.
Government isn't going to get so small that you can drown it in the bath tub. You may hope for it, but it isn't going to happen.

Also with the prices you quoted, you can see why organized crime has a foot hold.
Now if it were legalized, the price would drop over night (even with it being taxed) the profit for the Cartels would go away and they would drop it like a bad habit.
Get it through your head, there are some instances where a little taxation is a good thing.
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New Member
At $20 per gram, $60 an eighth, $120 a quarter, $400-$500 a zip, $3500-$4000 an elbow, and no 1099s, doesn't it seem a bit dumb to want to legalize weed? Just sayin ... :blsmoke:
Is this an indication that you may be in the business?


New Member
At $20 per gram, $60 an eighth, $120 a quarter, $400-$500 a zip, $3500-$4000 an elbow, and no 1099s, doesn't it seem a bit dumb to want to legalize weed? Just sayin ... :blsmoke:
Is this an indication that you may be in the business?
Not at all, only an admission that I am not willing to pay these prices, so I grow my own. :mrgreen:
