why unsalted butter instead of regular butter?
Unsalted butter can be microwaved longer without melting whereas salted will melt in 10s or so. Get a unsalted stick and put in your microwave. You can even use high setting. Put it on for about a minute and come back and you'll see what I mean.
always use unsalted for baking open up any cookbook for baking and youll see it usually says unsalted butter
Most recipes call for unsalted butter, but most recipes also call for salt. If you're using unsalted butter, and it calls for salted, you will need to add salt to the recipe to get it to taste as intended. If you're using salted butter and the recipe calls for unsalted butter, and the recipe doesn't call for salt you will most likely make it too salty.
Certain things call for unsalted butter, and only unsalted butter. Hollandaise sauce for instance, you need to clarify the butter (or remove the milk fats) before using. Removing all those solids concentrates the salt further, making the salted butter even more salty.
One of my Chef's favorite sayings is you can always add more, but you can't take it out (although there are things you can do to make it seem less salty if you know the tricks).
Omg Sunni, those look delicious!What flavor are they? You sure do a great job on that frosting, much better than the glob I end up with, lol.
I have to admit I've never tried a vegan cupcake before, but I think I could be converted after looking at those, lol.