Why the droop? Please help.


Well-Known Member
These are my 3.5 week old plants. They have progressively started to droop more and more in the last week and a half. I am growing in an ebb and flow system that floods three times a day for 12 minutes each time.

I'm using a 400 W MH, room temp is between 79 and 83 F and the humidity fluctuates from about 33 % - 46%. Resevoir Ph is betwee 5.5 and 6.5.

Please give me some input or ideas on what the problem could be and how I might fix it.


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Yo MR. SPLIF! :)

ease up on the nutrients just a HAIR.. and do not over water...

drooping is usually caused by over or under watering...


Well-Known Member
Plants droop after flusing or heavy watering due to lack of O2 in the rootzone. Take a thin wood dowel or pencil and poke some holes down into the mix for aeration.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input everyone. I feel a little better about their condition now. Will Dilute the solution a bit and try the pencil thing.
I thought it was very hard to over water when growing hydro. Also, I got two airstones in a 15 gallon resevoir. Shouldn't that help deliver oxygen to the roots?