Why should I trust in order cannabis seeds online?


New Member
Hi all

Im a guy from Europe, i simply doesnt understand this whole business, why should I trust in order seeds online? I mean marijuana is illegail as we all know it, so lets just talk about any online seeds site, so theres a site called "Sensi Seeds" they says "buy with confidence" and "Discreet Shipping" just because your package from them will have a sign of a red glass with the warning "Breekbaar" its okay, but what about the site ..

This is where my concern starts.. how can a site ship seeds legally? I know i sounds newb, and iam, so please tell me why should i trust in this business and why theres no possibility to get arrested.

Think about you are the law, at least a guy from FBI or whatever, they see this site and as the biggest and strongest mafia of the world (FBI) (Law) can check ip's also the locations where u live they see u order a few seeds (they can check ip's who order or the data base of any seed shipping sites that contains locations and so on) they wait a few months(as your weed grow up and have the harvest) and so then they just simply got you.

The only thing im afraid of order seeds from online is this, they can check anything anywhere anytime, somehow, tell me, how is this works, so making the question easier for you: Why should i trust in order seeds online. And please try to make me trust in this, instead of just saying "thousand of people do it crap saying, tell me everything that proves this is an trustworthy business.
Also, this isnt negative post, its just more likely an curious post, a curious post because all i want is UNDERSTAND THIS BUSINESS.. how it works and why should i beleive that i will not got arrested. Thank you

[You may already notice my english skills, i tried my best, i hope you understood every of my words]

Peace ,,


Well-Known Member
In Canada for instance, cannabis seeds are not flowering, so they are not technically considered cannabis, therefore they are not necessarily illegal.

I have no idea how other parts of the world get around this.



New Member
And didnt even mentioned yet that what about the qucikly n highly increased electritiy bills .. at the same time/day when you got your seeds.

Maybe im paranoid but its still a better thing than being a fool and beleive in anything



bud bootlegger
As mentioned, in some countries, like Spain, the UK, and Canada, the possession of cannabis seeds is legal, while in other countries, like the us of a, they're illegal..
I happen to live in the us, and ordered seeds all the time .. the only thing that will happen here is they get caught coming into the country, at which point they simply take them and sometimes send a letter saying you were a bad boy, and nothing else happens..

as far as the power bill, a 400 watt light will only raise your bill by about $40 or so a month, and so long as you pay it on time usually the electric company doesn't care what you do with their electric..

The biggest thing to get people caught IMO is smell and tell.. flowering cannabis plants can be stinky, so good odor control is needed..
The second 1 is people, growers, running their mouths to friends and or family that they're growing.. sometimes the person who knows might get pissed off at you, or just wants to be an asshole, and calls the cops..
Don't sell, don't tell, and don't smell and pay your bill on time and you should be OK.. of course there are risks, but no risks, no rewards..


Well-Known Member
Im in the UK. It is legal to purchase cannabis seeds. The idea behind it is you preserve the genetics. It is illegal to pop the seeds. I use herbies for seeds. For the reason that the site doesn't hold onto your information, as far as i am aware. You can have thousands of seeds a load of growing equipment if they aren't popped you aren't in the wrong. So the whole purchasing seeds isnt dangerous. At the end of the day its up to you. I wouldnt worry about it.


Some banks have a user agreement that states beans are only meant as souvenirs so germing will void any shipping warranty you have with them.

They're illegal to ship internationally period, whether they're tomatoes or rosemary, they are FDA regulated, has something to do with preserving regional horticulture or something I think. And if you think about it, a shipment from UK to US, is outside of most law inforcement charters, they could track your IP but to what extent? All they know at that point is you bought a souvenir online, they have no probable cause.

If you have them shipped to a PO box, electric bills are out of the question. Also, some banks except money orders, cash tells no tails lol. Usually if they're confiscated by customs, you get a letter in the mail stating that if you want them, you'll have to come and get them (bad idea).

Any way you look at it, its illegal in the US, sorry to break it to you, but there is no way to feel 100% secure getting beans shipped unless you have a legit reason for it, whether it be a for prescribed medicinal use or state sanctioned research.

Ignore this, if your in the UK, you shouldn't have anything to worry about.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Cannabis seeds are not illegal in the UK, what's the issue? the issue is whether they are legal where you live. Other than that, you are buying any other product like you might from amazon.

To reply to your whole post though, i think that given your state of paranoia and such, you just shouldn't bother growing whatsoever. If you're woried about someone somewhere tracking you down because of a single purchase, amoung a billion other rders and deliveries, then by your fears, the local police will be onto you in a heartbeat. Just forget growing, you're clearly not in the right mindset.

big bud 56

Active Member
I totally agree with tip top toker.
If you are that paranoid about it then you should not be growing.
Your paranoia will only get you in trouble.


Well-Known Member
The companies can get away with it by putting a fake return address on the packet. You also cannot be liable for a random package arriving at your house. No proof that you ordered it. And like blowincherriepie said...do not have seeds shipped to where you grow. I live in the US and over the years, have ordered at least 20 times and each time...the seeds arrived safely.


Well-Known Member
And didnt even mentioned yet that what about the qucikly n highly increased electritiy bills .. at the same time/day when you got your seeds.

All the electric company wants is for you to pay your bill. They have thousands of customers and no idea what kind of electrical gadgetry you may have hooked up. You would have to be already under investigation for any law agency to look at it or care about it.
As mentioned you may be a bit to paranoid for all of this if all its going to cause you is worry.
Those of us that choose to grow generally know the risks we're taking and accept it as a part of the deal, and we try to safeguard it as much as possible by telling no one what we do in the real world, and here in the cyber-world we can connect with the same type of like-minded people. If law enforcement chooses to spend their time obtaining warrants to gain access to somebodys IP address because they have 3 clones growing somewhere I'm sure they can if they find that to be worth the rather expensive time it would take to do so not to mention the jurisdiction headaches and other obstacles they would face and see....? It seems foolish already. They need to worry about real crime, violent crime, far more important things.

You will also find a bit of a collective rebel spirit among people like us who are convinced that certain laws are fucked up and we're not bringing any harm to anybody and if you don't feel in a similar way, then this probably truly isn't for you.
And that's OK too.
Most cops don't give enough of a shit to care if you're small time. Also it's very difficult to track down every single package of weed seeds and then follow it to the person's house. Also the majority of the people on this site and a good portion of pot growers order online with no problem.

back to the mail: It would be incredibly difficult and expensive to scan every single parcel for marijuana seeds, and they aren't exactly easy to detect.


New Member
I still cant beleive that it wouldnt catch the net cops eyes if somebody order thousands of seeds at one time and it wouldnt be weed field suspicious, but of course for a few seeds i beleive its ok and they dont give a shit

Is anyone got busted from order seeds online? i would like to hear stories to learn from them

Also some of you informed wrong about wheres legal or not having seeds or growing them so take a look if you intrested
(Unfortunately in my country all those boxes are red and illegal)
People have been busted on this site, but not for DIRECTLY ordering the seeds. It's usually some outside circumstance like neighbors or they got snitched out.


Well-Known Member
Interesting that you are freaked out about ordering seeds but not too freaked out to make double posts about ordering seeds online....

Advise... If ordering seeds freaks you out, then growing will put you into a mental hospital. Just buy it.


Well-Known Member
Don't order seeds. And your chart is wrong. You come on here to ask advice, then you tell the people who give you good solid advice that they are misinformed according to Wikipedia.
I would give you some advice, but it will just make more work for Racerboy. Cause after he deletes my post, he comes to my house and he kicks me. And it hurts. A lot. So save us all pain, find a different hobby.


Active Member
As mentioned, in some countries, like Spain, the UK, and Canada, the possession of cannabis seeds is legal, while in other countries, like the us of a, they're illegal..
I happen to live in the us, and ordered seeds all the time .. the only thing that will happen here is they get caught coming into the country, at which point they simply take them and sometimes send a letter saying you were a bad boy, and nothing else happens..

as far as the power bill, a 400 watt light will only raise your bill by about $40 or so a month, and so long as you pay it on time usually the electric company doesn't care what you do with their electric..

The biggest thing to get people caught IMO is smell and tell.. flowering cannabis plants can be stinky, so good odor control is needed..
The second 1 is people, growers, running their mouths to friends and or family that they're growing.. sometimes the person who knows might get pissed off at you, or just wants to be an asshole, and calls the cops..
Don't sell, don't tell, and don't smell and pay your bill on time and you should be OK.. of course there are risks, but no risks, no rewards..

How would u recommend reducing Odor but with a very limited budget?