Why is my plant so yellow?


Well-Known Member
My lowryder plant keeps turning yellow. It's growing okay, but it just doesn't look that good.

I have fertilized it a few times with seaweed fertilizer (High nitrogen). No problems doing this but it didn't make it any greener.

I repotted it a couple of weeks ago with different soil, it didn't change much either.

pH is around 6.8, gets enough water, temps are about 25C (77F)



Well-Known Member
I recommend blood meal....its 12-0-0...i used it and ended up giving too much N...sprinkle on top layer of dirt and water well


Well-Known Member
I do double what the seaweed fertilizer recommends for potted plants. I do what it recommends for the garden. I've hit it 3 times with that stuff but I'm not sure if it really did anything. I guess I've got nothing to lose by doing it some more, maybe I'll water it every time with the fertilizer rather than doing a stronger hit.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
I do double what the seaweed fertilizer recommends for potted plants. I do what it recommends for the garden. I've hit it 3 times with that stuff but I'm not sure if it really did anything. I guess I've got nothing to lose by doing it some more, maybe I'll water it every time with the fertilizer rather than doing a stronger hit.
Take a few days and let it chill. Take some plain water with 30ml of H202 in it and water with that. It will make the nutes more readily available for teh plant. How old is it?

:peace: ~~TLB


New Member
It could just be strain, maybe it's just turning yellow from lack of light, or from too much water... It might not need more N, but on the other hand it might just be that.


Active Member
You may have magnesium probs. If it's the older leaves that yellow, then try adding a tsp per gallon ratio of Epsom Salts. How are you doing now, after all the advice. Just curious.


Well-Known Member
Soil...some organic one.

Strain - low ryder

Age - you probably won't believe it, 49 days old. It was under LEDs for half the time with hardly any growth.

Current light - 250 HPS.

What will I do now... I think I'll give it a little all purpose chemical fertilizer and see if that makes a difference. It's high N.

Good news...this morning I see that it's a female.


Well-Known Member
49 dayz, .......maybe try to get another plant started , seems like that one has poor growth and i think i read before that if your plant starts off weak and mest up , it could carry the same traits to clones and or have continued problems showing up......... thanks for the picture though , the picture is perfect and is super clear

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
49 dayz, .......maybe try to get another plant started , seems like that one has poor growth and i think i read before that if your plant starts off weak and mest up , it could carry the same traits to clones and or have continued problems showing up......... thanks for the picture though , the picture is perfect and is super clear

I don't really think that will hold true, There are to many factors that could cause the stunted growth!

How long has the HPS been on her!!

:peace: ~~TLB


Well-Known Member
HPS has been on for 3-4 weeks. It's growing much better, but nothing like I have seen other plants.

The roots seem to be growing very fast, they are all bunched up (in a healthy way) around the pot holes after I repotted in a much larger pot 2 weeks ago.

No offence to anyone, I really appreciate the help, but I'm getting lots of conflicting information. Flushing with epson salts is the way to go then give some nutes?


Well-Known Member
Seaweed is good all around but you need more nitro and more potassium. Seaweed is somewhere around 1.5-0.5-1 or more balanced than that. You want - it looks like - 8-4-4. You cannot really overdose on seaweed if that is all you have off hand. You can go up to more than five times the suggested amount if that is all you are using. If you are brewing your own stuff I highly recommend guano.

buddy mcbudbud

Active Member
just try transplanting the plant again, into the same pot or a different pot with new soil.
my friend had the same issue as you and he kept watering, giving it nutes and so on.
they didn't nothing. then he transplanted one day and then it got better after that.
give it a go and see if i doesn't change your situation.
good luck,
buddy mcbudbud.


Well-Known Member
I have bought 2 more different types of fertilizer and have set up some experiments with them on the different plants.

I like the idea of transplanting. I have a male plant which I can experiment with, maybe I'll knock alot of the soil off his roots and replant in different stuff.