Why is marijuana illegal?


Well-Known Member
Hey there guys, on a bit of a roll with the thread posting today and i know im not gonna post again in a while so i thought i might aswell make the most of it.

Basically, i'm doing the opposite of everything i've seen. Usually you see posts saying why you think it SHOULD be made legal, i want to know why you guys think bud is illegal, like the benefits of it being illegal.

I personally would love for it to be legalised, over the moon. Amsterdam has it legalised and i've just got back from there and its such a chilled environment. People have the option to smoke it but most still dont.

So yeh, why do you think its illegal still? :confused:
be nice to get a thread going, hopefully we'll all learn something new and realise some stuff :)


Well-Known Member
Because it makes the rich richer to keep it illegal ( Politicians, corporations, big-pharma, big-agriculture)

grow space

Well-Known Member
here man, check it out and youl have your answers.--https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/196423-superb-cannabis-docum-link-4-a.html



Well-Known Member
I spose if it was legal it could encourage smoking?
nice views so far tho :P all seem quite anti-illegal views tho :P


Well-Known Member
This is from wiki answers:

1. It is perceived as addictive.
2. It has "no accepted medical use."
3. It has been historically linked with narcotics, such as heroin.
4. It is associated with unfashionable lifestyles.
5. It was once associated with oppressed ethnic groups.
6. Inertia is a powerful force in public policy.
7. Advocates for marijuana legalization rarely present an appealing case.

Answer (how it really happened)

(to keep a long answer short; because the government can't profit of marijuana)

Quite funny actually, i read them seven and thought 'what a load of fucking shit' then see the bit at the bottom and laughed.


Well-Known Member
Yeh, i remember reading somewhere that people that strart smoking bud are more likely to end up on smack... how much of a conclusion jump is that?! hahah
how many people on this forum have ever done / use smack? i doubt many...
I think it is still illegal today because of the Nixon era misinformation and the continued propaganda of DARE and similar programs. I saw a post the other day saying that we are giving children the RIGHT impression by referring to marijuana and "medicine". I could not agree more; only when public perception changes will politicians listen.

last I read 48% of Americans admitted to smoking - even though this is a strong number it is still a minority - I just don't see a politician that has enough power risking his career for it.


I have chronic pain around my heart due to an infection after open heart surgery 13 yaers ago and in my low back frfom an accident and weed does help dull the pain. The pain pill producers don't want the competion. The oil producers don't want it because of the hemp oil can make plastics that are bio. Timber producers don't want it because the paper derived from hemp would put them out of business....hemp matures in a year vs 15-20 years for trees.


Well-Known Member
if anything marijuana has helped my life, im a lot more relaxed now and since using it my grades when i was back in college went from C/D's to A/B's. It gets you away from the constant social pressures and structures set up and helps you to think.

I found it really helped with creativity and enhance my photography project i was doing by a milestone! I can see marijuana getting legalised in the future because it would stop drug wars in that department but i don't see it happening for a while.

We are improving though... think of the views back on it before everyone had the internet, oh christ... what would us lot be doing if the internet never came around?! All this information and knowledge would of gone to waste!


Well-Known Member
Never thought of what the rest of the plant could be used for, i mean im sure big enough outside plants could have their stems used for something, like trees have theirs used for paper. Am i right in thinking this? or was that just what you were saying? :P


Active Member
because of stupid people like this

15,000 people die from drunk drivers each year. That number will double if pot impaired drivers are added to the problem.

The idea that pot smoking is a "victimless crime" is stupid. Legalized dope will cause just as much mayhem as alcohol does in terms of death, domestic violence, murder and all the rest.

As a nation, we have decided to live with the consequences of alcohol, even though it takes a devastating toll on people. Adding to the mayhem by legalizing dope is just insane.

hahhaah got this off of CBS news website and i just laughed when i read this hahahah this guy needs a :joint:

:evil: + :joint: = ;-)


Well-Known Member
because of stupid people like this

15,000 people die from drunk drivers each year. That number will double if pot impaired drivers are added to the problem.

The idea that pot smoking is a "victimless crime" is stupid. Legalized dope will cause just as much mayhem as alcohol does in terms of death, domestic violence, murder and all the rest.

As a nation, we have decided to live with the consequences of alcohol, even though it takes a devastating toll on people. Adding to the mayhem by legalizing dope is just insane.

hahhaah got this off of CBS news website and i just laughed when i read this hahahah this guy needs a :joint:

:evil: + :joint: = ;-)
yu scared me for a second there bru, i can somewhat see what they're saying BUT they did some test i watched once and basically the scenario was;

1 x drunk driver
1 x normal state driver
1 x stoned driver

all of which had similar driving experiences, they placed out a strip of road and at the end of it put a load of baby toy dolls on some traffic cones at the end, the objective was to speed up to 40 - 50 mph (i think around there) and then stop when the red light appeared on the dash board, something like that.

basically, it was testing reaction times whilst under the influence and obviously whilst not under to create the norm.

They found that;

Drunk driver = Hit around 4-5 of the cones
Normal driver = Didn't hit any
Stoned driver = Didn't even make it to 40-50mph and stopped quite far away from the cones. Marijuana when driving makes you extra pro cautious if anything....

i know for me it does, when im not stoned and i drive, i hit around 35 - 40 in the 30 zones, when im stoned i hit around 25mph in the 30 zone and think that im going too fast. Your eyes are fixated on the road a head of you and the attention i give the road is fa nominal, defiantly improves me... :P

i dont try and make a habbit of driving stoned and haven't for months, but when i first started driving sometimes it was the only option... :peace:


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Theres a good movie about it all and how it all started. Supposedly it came from Mexico although other sources say it came from somewhere in the Africa region and apparently those fucking Americans (no offense) thought it gave the Mexicans super mutant powers, therefore... it was banned....
do you happen to know the name of that movie? :peace:


Well-Known Member
Nahh, it was on youtube. if i find it i'll be sure to send it to you. Have you seen the other one that was made to try and discourage the use of it?

Absolutely shocking how it was portrated, one toke on it and they say your hooked and you'll end up murdering someone.
The name of that film is 'Reefer Madness' was made back in 1935. Pretty funny to watch but horrifying how many lies they tell about it, definatly helped towards the ban of it. It was all down to one man in america who wanted it banned, at first it was getting imported in by the kilo and there was no problems with it, but then one mayor of one state attempted to get it banned, he failed at first but then produced some evidence (lies) and spread the word, then state by state each one joined the agreement and the ban on marijuana took off.


Well-Known Member
Nahh, it was on youtube. if i find it i'll be sure to send it to you. Have you seen the other one that was made to try and discourage the use of it?

Absolutely shocking how it was portrated, one toke on it and they say your hooked and you'll end up murdering someone.
The name of that film is 'Reefer Madness' was made back in 1935. Pretty funny to watch but horrifying how many lies they tell about it, definatly helped towards the ban of it. It was all down to one man in america who wanted it banned, at first it was getting imported in by the kilo and there was no problems with it, but then one mayor of one state attempted to get it banned, he failed at first but then produced some evidence (lies) and spread the word, then state by state each one joined the agreement and the ban on marijuana took off.
naw i havent seen it but i`ll check it out! :peace: out bro