Why I chose 'BC Kush'


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to grow a popular, great and potent strain of Kush that was sold in sealed coffee bags & tuna cans back in the early/mid 2000's, it was produced and shipped out of western Canada (British Columbia).

I need to emphasize this fact: I have YET to find any marijuana that has come close to the quality of this bud. I had people that would drive for HOURS to buy this type of weed, it was that good. Does anyone happen to know the strain I enjoyed so much? All I was told when I bought it was that it was 'kush,' and that's all I know. I've tried 'kush' today that tastes like the dried up decaying leaves from your rain gutter. It doesn't come anywhere CLOSE to what that kush experience was.

Does anyone know the specific strain that wondrous plant belonged to?
Seeds are all going to be different due to morphology/phenotypes so it's unlikely you're going to find the same bud as from 2000s unless someone still has a cut of that particular plant.

There are plenty of sites selling BC Kush seeds just gotta do a bit of googling. I grew Critical Kush that is the only Kush I have grown in a while and it was actually super nice bud of both plants, one was earthy/sweet/tea smelling and one was skunky/gasoline/onion smelling. Both hit equally hard potency wise, it was from Barneys Farm I think.. I don't keep seed packs.
I remember the old tuna can kush.
It came to be called tuna.
Always dank. Always 14.1g
As soon as you cracked the vac seal on the can it would smell up the whole room.
Lotta imitations after the real deal. Guys were canning anything calling it tuna can kush.
Tuna or tuna kush i think you talking about i only tried crosses of it but they were good so i can imagine the parent is pretty good too