Why "flip" to 12/12 instead of a gradual reduction?


Well-Known Member
I was considering trying out the light reduction method for flowering this run. It got me wondering if the same thing would hold true for switching the plants into flower mode by gradually cutting down the veg-time hours instead of drastically just flipping them all of a sudden.

I was considering trying out the light reduction method for flowering this run. It got me wondering if the same thing would hold true for switching the plants into flower mode by gradually cutting down the veg-time hours instead of drastically just flipping them all of a sudden.

12-12 Its usualy to force a stronger flowering response indoors. When done gradualy you plant will go through the stage were is still giving enough hormones to grow and stretch(while slowly starting flower mode) befor hitting the point were it getts dark enought to go into full flower mode. The 12-12 was done to force flowering quicker, get better stacking ect indoors rather than stretched out type of growth on the buds. Outdoors the hours of darknes gradualy get bigger and bigger which balances out the longer time it takes to go into full flower earlier on by pushing a faster ripening time as the dark hours grow into winter towards the end With equetorials its a little diffrent but you can follow a similar patern, you can just veg on 11dark and 13 light, then flower on 10 light and 14 dark. The standard hours given to people to grow canabis eg 18/6 veg and 12/12 flower were designed to give best production, quicker cycles and more managble plants all balanced out against each other to get the best we can indoors. It can be tweaked but the comon method is ussualy the easiest to follow to get something good out the plant with out messing with it internaly too much.
(Hope that make sense and helps, i tried to explain best i could)
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The standard hours given to people to grow canabis eg 18/6 veg and 12/12 flower were designed to give best production, quicker cycles and more managble plants all balanced out against each other to get the best we can indoors. It can be tweaked but the comon method is ussualy the easiest to follow to get something good out the plant with out messing with it internaly too much.
(Hope that make sense and helps, i tried to explain best i could)
That made perfect sense and you explained it great!

Back in the Jurassic period, I did something similar and gradually cut back the amount of daylight hours to lengthen the growth cycle and extend the flowering period, in order to de-Dutch some seeds I got from Sensi.

Haven't done it since then because there's really no need to. Influorescence is a hormonal response to decreased light and I want to get the flowering hormones going as quick as possible. The only thing that will happen if you gradually decrease the light is it, will take longer to be able to sex the plants.