Why doesnt my lamp work


I bought this lamp from amazon
I smelled burning plastic for a few days but ignored it and them i figured out why. There is a thin plastic layer under the reflecter. I unplugged the lamp and removed the bulb so i remove the thin plastic and when i put the bulb back in and plug it in, the lamp wont turn on. I tried everything. I unplugged everythin and plugged them back in but nothing. I am very stressed out about this and idk what to do about my plants. What should i do? Thanks

Dick Moser

Active Member
check the plugs and shit man it seems like its kinda cheap are what the reviews say...it might have broken on you or you might have blown a breaker or mabye its to hot and wont reignite so wait a while and dry again. lots of things man millions of things....your house could be watched by the feds and they had your power selectivly shut off....mhhhuuuummm

Dick Moser

Active Member
check the breaker by plugging somthing else into it and if it turns on its not a breaker
2. a breaker box has to be found and you have to fins the breaker (or fuse) and switch it back on or replace it
3. the outlet could have shorted and that might have added to the plastic burning smell so you would never had noticed. ballasts aslo burn out so make sure you got a warranty on your shit...good luck and keep me posted


Well-Known Member
the directions recommend running this thing in a room 0 to 50 degrees...that strikes me to be fairly odd in of itself.

send it back and get your cash back!


Well-Known Member
the directions recommend running this thing in a room 0 to 50 degrees...that strikes me to be fairly odd in of itself.

send it back and get your cash back!

Make sure your bulb is screwed in properly and that there is no plastic residue on the screw. Make sure it is not too tight as well.


My outlets all work. I tested that. I used different light bulbs as well. Nothing happens when i plug it in. I dont quite understand what a breaker is. And what should i do with my plants? Should i just put them outside?

Dick Moser

Active Member
if your not worried about the weather then yes toss them in the sun and open your ballast box if you see black shit in there your fucked if the sides look burnt your fucked and if it smell weird your probably fucked other then that it could only be your bulbs or cords cause your "breaker "is fine dude (its what controles the amount and speed of electricity going to your outlets)


Well-Known Member
The ballast might have an internal fuse that could have popped. Opening it up might void any warranty you may have had though.

Dick Moser

Active Member
^^^^ true my bad i would have just fucked you over...oops wasnt really thinking about it cause the only ballast i had the burnt was old as fuck with no warranty


bud bootlegger
you could also through a couple of cff bulbs in there for the time being till you figure out whats going on with the other lamp.. cfl's are reasonably cheap and will hold you over till you can get to the bottom of this..
and i agree, the ballast may have some form of a fuse in it that may have blown.. if you didn't get a warranty with it, i would open it up and check for the things the other poster said like burnt wires or an ashy look on any parts.. if its the fuse, just check the amp's of the fuse and get a new one.. if it looks burnt, i would send it back to whom ever you bought it from..
i also agree that it could be simply that you don't have the bulb screwed in tight enough, or it could be something as simple as a loose plug or the like.. did you disconnect everything when you took out the bulb? if so, simply double check all of your connections, the one going into the ballast from the power source, the one going out of the ballast to the lamp, and any others that i may be missing.
g/l with it, and hope you get it figured out m8..


Everything looks normal and smells normal. I unscrewed the bulb right after i unplugged it without letting it cool down if that means anything. Idk what else i did that could have broke it


Well-Known Member
Oh thats another thing, you cant start it up with a hot bulb. You need to let the bulb cool down before plugging it in again. Is the ballast making any noise? was it making noise when it was working?


bud bootlegger
yah, i agree with gas... most ballast have a built in feature called something like anti hot strike, where it won't let the bulb light back up again till it has a chance to cool down..
heres a ? for you.. i'm sure you let the bulb cool down somewhat before you took it out otherwise it would be nye impossible to remove it, but how long did you let it sit before you took it out?
i think that for the anti hot strike feature, you need to let it cool for a good 15 minutes or so before trying to refire it.. i don't know what may have happened if you took the bulb out before it had its proper amount of cool down..


Well its been hours since it stopped working and the lamp still isnt working. I used a towel to unscrew it because it was too hot for me to unscrew it with my bare hand. Will that have any effect on it? the ballast never made any noise (working and not working). The ballast is somewhat warm when it is plugged in right now but the lamp still doesnt turn on


Active Member
Have same light. Turning off and then back on to fast will make it not turn back on. Unplug from wall to ballast for a few min and plug it back in. It should be fine


Well-Known Member
tbh it just sounds like hes blown either the bulb or ballast, check one an if it aint that check the other one