why does my co2 regulator freeze?


Active Member
I went inside yesterday to find 2400 ppm? My regulator was frozen. Turned and bottle back on today and it quickly froze again.
Insulation mi amigo. Your outside humidity is at a level capable of producing condensation (which just having frost on it wont hurt anything). Make sure you don't have a cheepy junk regulator where the liquid CO2 is actually entering the regulator, so make sure its facing up and vertical. Regulator needs to be at the very top of the tank.

Frost = OK

Frozen shut regulator = Liquid inside BAD. (Only real way I can see liquid CO2 getting into the regulator is if you don't have the regulator at the highest point of the bottle).

bottle standing up proud and tall. reg set on 1.5 on a timer 30 min on 30 min off while light is on. Everything been working just fine for the last six months.
the new bottle was installed about 3 weeks ago. If o-ring was bad it would have leaked then.?>??
never seen an o-ring go bad in place. will definitely check this evening. THANKS for the help.
trick from distilling your Orings u take them out and give them a coating of veggie oil ...........wash it off and towel dry it will make it last longer for u

the only reason something like that should ever freeze is if the pressure going tho it is to high for the part that would casue it to freeze ..............liquid Co2 got to it .............u have humitidy to high in the room as the it vents it gets cold and then the water in the air sticks (like mini frig if u leave the door open) ........cracked o ring so little of the gas vents out makes it colder.............dirt on the oring/ something not allowing a full seal .............cracked metal part

your best choice would be get a 2nd one from a different maker if it still happends then the tanks treads are damaged allowing the gas to excape .............if it does work then your frist one has gone bad from something
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trick from distilling your Orings u take them out and give them a coating of veggie oil ...........wash it off and towel dry it will make it last longer for u

the only reason something like that should ever freeze is if the pressure going tho it is to high for the part that would casue it to freeze ..............liquid Co2 got to it .............u have humitidy to high in the room as the it vents it gets cold and then the water in the air sticks (like mini frig if u leave the door open) ........cracked o ring so little of the gas vents out makes it colder.............dirt on the oring/ something not allowing a full seal .............cracked metal part

your best choice would be get a 2nd one from a different maker if it still happends then the tanks treads are damaged allowing the gas to excape .............if it does work then your frist one has gone bad from something

Yup, that's the only thing that's ever happened to me or anyone one I know.
found out yesterday that it was leaking from behind the gauge. i'm just manually turning it on and off till I can go get another. thanks for the help.
the Flow rate is too high ,caused the freez up . you could use a heated regulator of grow room or add a Co2 heater before your gas regulator ,It can solve this problem .
Advise ,DEM WR1570ES ,Co2 Heated Regulator for growroom sepcially .