Why can't I sleep when i drink

midnight smoker

Active Member
I went out for a couple of drinks with my buddies yesterday and i noticed that when ever i drink I end up passing out for like 2 to 3 hours but then i wake up and can't go back to sleep. does this happen to anyone else or am i just weird


Active Member
Alcohol is known to do that.

I'm not sure of just why, but inturrupted sleep is common among drinkers.


Well-Known Member
yea same here, im usually up pretty early after a night of drinking. i usually grab and egg sammie and a gatorade and then pass out again

midnight smoker

Active Member
I was always under the impression that alcohol makes you sleep longer, I'm kinda new to this whole drinking thing and still figuring it out i thought i was just a freak of nature or something


Well-Known Member
True - alcohol makes you sleep like crap. It's scientifically proved. Saw a program on Discovery Channel where they meassured sleep patterns and alcohol makes your body work hard processing the alcohol, so even when you sleep while you're drunk you're not really resting. They actually said that taking a head ache pill like Paracetamol could make you sleep better.
I only drink a couple of times a year and i take two regular paracetamol pills before i go to sleep with a big glass of water and that makes me sleep better.
Politicians! - please legalize so i can bring weed to parties instead of drinking alcohol. Then i would never have to drink.


Well-Known Member
eat and drink some water before passing out,
peanuts and beef jerkey are good drunk foods


Well-Known Member
Its probably a combination of things. You probably have to urinate so bad that your body wakes you up, youre also dehydrated, your body is working twice as hard to process the alcohol, and lastly your mind is probably racing 90 mph and not letting your subconcious relax. Usually if ive been drinking ill come home and smoke a blunt, helps me sleep.


Well-Known Member
This is why I and most folks have trouble sleeping after drinking: When the alcohol begins wearing off, your body actually goes through a mini-withdrawel and rebound effect as it wears off. One of the reasons I don't drink til I'm shitfaced. It just doesn't feel good and it sucks to not be able to sleep. I'm good with a few drinks and a light buzz, the rest would be some smoke.