Why can white people be called white, but black people have to be african american.


Why can white people be called white, but black people have to be african american.
Pretty simple. I just find myself wondering this everyday in my sociology class, and it starts to bug me.

Help me understand. but please dont say cause white people had black people as slaves or something like that. we all know american history and no one likes slavery of anyone elce.
so keep it kinda clean if you can.



Well-Known Member
You should call black people black. African American is a PC term coined by Jesse Jackson and doesn't even reflect reality. I know quite a few African Americans and they are all white South Africans and a handful of black people, mostly from the Caribbean, that don't identify themselves with Africa and hate it when people call them AA.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
heres a better one...why is some one who is half african and half white called black? i never figured that one out .....we should all be the same color


Well-Known Member
Why Why Why have we become so PC about everything is my question... nothing to do with black or white. Have we all become sheep?


Well-Known Member
I have never and will never refer to someone as an African-American unless they can tell me where in Africa they're from.


King Tut
You should call black people black. African American is a PC term coined by Jesse Jackson and doesn't even reflect reality. I know quite a few African Americans and they are all white South Africans and a handful of black people, mostly from the Caribbean, that don't identify themselves with Africa and hate it when people call them AA.
But they are varying shades of brown.? Never have really understood that.


Well-Known Member
but black people have to be african american.
says who? i refer to black people i know as black people and they refer to us as whites in this sort of context. doesnt mean we dislike or disrespect each other, we are what we are.


King Tut
but black people have to be african american.
says who? i refer to black people i know as black people and they refer to us as whites in this sort of context. doesnt mean we dislike or disrespect each other, we are what we are.
Amen brother. But i think it comes from not calling Native Americans "Redskins" and other PC issues. Technically, i should be called a White American if i were going to bring race into it. My PERSONAL opinion is that we are all Americans so why distinguish further? Race.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
but black people have to be african american.
says who? i refer to black people i know as black people and they refer to us as whites in this sort of context. doesnt mean we dislike or disrespect each other, we are what we are.
all my black buddies say there black......i agree the world is way to PC anymore

i jus found out Oriental is not PC to say anymore, its Asians ...i never knew that


King Tut
all my black buddies say there black......i agree the world is way to PC anymore

i jus found out Oriental is not PC to say anymore, its Asians ...i never knew that
LOL! i just learned this not too long ago with an Oriental, i mean "Asian" friend. SMH.

Chem Dawg

New Member
Me personally I like to call people by there name.. But it's funny because when I was in high school I always argued with my math teacher who was also black about the whole African American thing.. I consider myself to be a Black American . If you dropped a black person from America off in Africa the black people in Africa would treat us like shit. So I personally choose not to be considered a African American, but a Black American.. But that's just Me!