why aren't my seeds growing?


Active Member
it's been over 5 days and they still haven't started growing. I put them in rockwool after germination under a 125watt cfl light. After days they still look the same :(
Without giving a lot of details in this question, it's hard to guess where things have gone wrong.

Did you germinate the seeds before you put them in the rockwool? Putting them in water for a little bit, it will help the seeds be ready to grow. Rockwool can be tricky because if you just put them directly in the rockwool, they can heave outward, which can cause troubles when you're waiting for them to grow.

I would take them out and soak them in water for a few days. You should begin to see some little roots at the bottom, little white roots, then you can put the seeds into the predrilled holes in the rockwool.

That should get things started off right.



Active Member
the seeds were germinated and put under rockwool that were socked for 24hours at 5.5ph. they are under a 125watt cfl right now. You think it might be too hot? temp gets at 85f sometimes. Will they still grow if that's the problem?


Active Member
u can start off small u dont need all that light for a seedling its too hot in there just put a small watt cfl for now ull cook the seedling!!


Active Member
how many watts you recommend? What if I put the light 6 inches away?? And add more ventilation??


Active Member
Rockwool can be hard to germinate seeds in, especially for someone new (no offense intended).

Might I recommend a better idea?

Get some beer cups (the plastic ones) and fill them with some soil less mix (or Miracle Gro, hell, just some nice aerated soil). Water it before you plant the seed, and use a pen to make an small hole about half an inch deep. Put your little baby in and cover her with loose soil. Let the soil dry out some (this will encourage root growth) before you water it again. And be careful with the water, dont wana drown the poor thing.

You wont even have to feed it (with nutes) for 2-3 weeks, and this is alot easier than rockwool, I assure you. Ive been growing for a fair bit and I still use this method, its just simple.

After about a month you can transplant it into a bigger pot. Even if your using hydro, its better to use this method to find your best females, and then simply take clones (which do quite well in rockwool).

Dont sweat it, this stage can be tricky for new growers, but once you have it down youll be good to go.


Well-Known Member
Sorry man, but that thing is dead. What did the other seeds look like? That is too much light for starting seeds. Get a small CFL and use that until the seedlings are in inch or two tall, then put in the bigger light. Even then, keep that light a few inches away at first.


Well-Known Member
Yup that root is a goner for sure. RIP! Don't worry everyone makes mistakes.
That is why they invented a eraser on a pencil :D


Well-Known Member
No kidding. If I had all the seeds I murdered trying to learn how to grow, I would have enough to last well into next year. Dont give up man. Just remember where you go wrong and try not to do it again. I have learned more from my mistakes than I have from my successes. I tend to remember shit that makes me lose smoke or money.


Well-Known Member
I killed about 5-6 seeds my first grow, so don't worry about it. Research, research, and learn from your mistakes and you'll eventually get the hang of it.


Well-Known Member
That will do fine untill they get a couple of inches tall and get their first set of true leaves.. Then you need to hit them with more light to keep them from getting leggy and thin.


Well-Known Member
I think my seeds are fucked. Left them in the washing machine in a saddy, that had a small hole. I tried to germ them but i see a little sprout out but black. Guess so that there dead. The seeds are kinda brown/black