Why are these leaves doing that

I have the same thing on an immature photo, new growth is sorta, unfurling (that is what I was calling it) but once the leaves get fatter they flatten out again. Huh. I don't have flowers yet, preflowers yes, but thanks for posting!
I have the same thing on an immature photo, new growth is sorta, unfurling (that is what I was calling it) but once the leaves get fatter they flatten out again. Huh. I don't have flowers yet, preflowers yes, but thanks for posting!
I've experienced that....usually localized, a small area of plant.....I figured, not sure, that it just may be the genetics(some mutant/deformed leaves)......never negative impact.
I have the same thing on an immature photo, new growth is sorta, unfurling (that is what I was calling it) but once the leaves get fatter they flatten out again. Huh. I don't have flowers yet, preflowers yes, but thanks for posting!
Yeah it's crazy I started in like March in a greenhouse I got one that's three weeks from being done that one probably four weeks and then one that just started budding they were all from the same bag seed it's pretty awesome I've never had plants flower this early but it's good that I won't have to fight the rain