Why are there seeds in my bud!?


Active Member
Hey guys , I went and checked on my ladies last night and found a few seeds here and there on two out of six of my plants. They were all clones.I put them in flower october 6 . I only found likde 3 or 4 seeds. So what the hell is going on ? And is this going to screw up my garden? Thanks as always .


New Member
Hermies or pollen. If you consider some seeds as screwing up your harvest then it's screwed, but still very smokible

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Do you mean actual seeds or male flowers - so many people call male flowers "seeds".

If it is just a couple of seeds then the clones found some pollen probably when in preflower and you don't have any real problems.

If it is male flowers, then you have a problem.


Well-Known Member
your female plant probably threw out a male stamen, that pollinated some of your bud sites. if you found 3 or 4 seeds, plan on finding alot more. you should spray the plants down with water to stop the pollen from spreading more. just dont spray under the light so they dont burn, and put a fan on them so they dry out asap, and dont mold.


Active Member
Personally I'd be stoked if I found a few seeds. I have no seeds, no clones, and everything riding on 5 un-sexed plants right now lol. But yeah hermies or some pollen got loose somehow, hose them down like dangledo said. =)


Active Member
The same thing happened to me a while back and I tracked it down to some pants I wore while killing two male plants. I got some pollen on them and having not washed them I returned with the same pair about a week and a half later. Wam, seeds appeared but not to many and the bud was still a great smoke.


Well-Known Member
MJ plants have a natural fight to survive instinct. Being that you have so few seeds I doubt it was pollination. MJ can and will produce a couple seeds sometimes without pollination so it can ensure it's species survival.


Active Member
Ya thats what it seems like to me. I only found like I said 3 or 4 on two plants. I just hope it does not spread. Im going to take a look them tonight to see if its getting any worse. And there seeds not males. They were clones. But I did have a couple males in the last round, but I killed them at first signs. And dont hermi plants show signs alot earlier?. I check them real good everyday, and last night is the first time I spotted a seed. But thanks alot for the info guys , much appreciated. I will let you guys know how it goes. Thanks again ,


Well-Known Member
yep. my first female had no signs of male calxys, i checked like every day, but it produced 1 seed, which i suspect is female because female plant producing its own seed the XX genetics must be stuck into the seed aswell??

either way i got it growing now and its a monster. thick stem, FAT leafs and its only like 2weeks old if that. im gonna breed this with some potent nug to have my outdoor crop for next year. i like the fact that the one grows thick stem and grows very quick, but last year it was potent crop but not comparable to the dank. Im just gonna breed it wit some slow growing bushy dank, hopefully get a quick growing bushy plant for outdoors. oh and the one thats growing quick is a VERY resilient plant.