why are my plants doing this again?


Well-Known Member
lol that doesnt look too bad hope my plants turn out like that. i just transplanted them into bigger pots they were only in solo cups.


thats totally normal and it looks very healthy to me!!! i had a plant that had leaves like that threw the whole grow from start to finish even at night usually most plants the leaves will droop at night these were always standing tall. here are some pics.



Well-Known Member
no worries just keep giving them phed water, no nutes and give em some time they seem pretty happy to me. few more leaves you can start some low strength nutes


Well-Known Member
The tip of it curled slightly im having a hard tim keeping the heat down. I think im just going to finish up the rubbermaid.


Well-Known Member
The plant is fine and healthy, quit worrying about it so much or you'll have a heart attack later when/if REAL problems come up.