Why are my leaves starting to turn yellow???


Well-Known Member
I have 4 in 6" deep potted soil. All are about 1.2 foot tall. I haven't begun flowering and probably won't because I want to keep them that way (vegetative).

However, my leaves have begun to turn yellow on the bottom. What's the deal?

i water them every couple days (the proper way).

should i add nutrients? is 10-60-10 nutrient good? or is it something else?

please advise.



Well-Known Member
10-60-10 isn't good that would only be used during flowering and then its still too high. Yellowing is often due to lack of nitrogen you need 10-5-5 use half stength 1x a week at first.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your replies guys.

GardenKnowm, I would LOVE to post pix but am too paranoid for that. Plus i don't have a camera.

They are indoors under four 4 foot fluorescents. (each bulb puts out around 3000 + lumens).

Gardenandcats, thats what i figured... something to do with nutrients.

Thanks for your suggestion and i'll let u know how it turned out.

Maybe i may get over my paranoia and post some pix.

Thanks again.
my plant is about 2 months old or so and bugs are starting to eat my leaves and some of the leaves are starting to turn yellow. and when i water it, i water it just about everyday and i use a gallon of water but i dont use the whole gallon and its growing outside... you have any idea on how i can fix this?
I am also having the same problem...my plant is about 2 weeks old and the bottom leaves are starting to curl and their is a yellow tint to them. Any help would be awesome!

Day 12-3.jpgDay 12-4.jpg


Active Member
I am also having the same problem...my plant is about 2 weeks old and the bottom leaves are starting to curl and their is a yellow tint to them. Any help would be awesome!

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I don't think you two are having the same problem. You both have yellow leaves, but not all yellow leaves are the same. I think the OP is having Nitrogen issues. I think you are have a magnesium deficiency.
That is what I thought after doing some research, I went and bought some Epsom salt and am going to try that. Thanks for the info!
Just wanted to give an update on my plants...I bought some Epsom salt and after three days I have seen a turn around in the leaves color...they are getting darker green now instead of yellow. Good call on the Magnesium deficiency.


Hi i have ten cuttings which are arouund 4 weeks in they are all around 30-40cm in hieght is this noramal i am having some problems with them they seem to be turning light in colour and have yellow marks and some brown spots i will post a pic but anmy ideas to what this could be their in 7.5 litre coco pots. Any helpp Please They are under a 600w light and i have been feedthing them just tapwater which has been left out for a day or two and i also check the ph levels


Well-Known Member
AF: if you are in soil about week 3-4 your nutrients will begin to deplete in the soil so around this time i begin adding small dose or organic nutrients suited for your phase of growth. if you are in coco coir, i would start using nutrients right away as coco is a soiless medium that contains no added nutrients.

Byrd: you can use epsom salt as a soil ammendment but only if it is added before you use the soil to plant with. i mix up a soil concentrate and among my ingredients is epsom salt. this soil is much too strong for small plants seedling and cuttings so depending on your stage of growth and amount of soil add very minute amount directly to the soil. for example i add only 1/3 of a cup per 4 bags of base soil. if not, and your plants are already you can dissolve the epsom salt in water and use a soil drench. i would not advise usingepsom salt as a top dressing in your soil.


Yellow.jpg I put this plant in the sun in the daylight, and at night I put it inside under fluorecent light, the soil I use is betmos (not best quality) and I water it once every day. and I added some liquid fertilizer (10-10-10).
is it the fertilizer or there's other reasons?


Well-Known Member
i had the same yellowing problem, a little tomato feed sorted mine out :-) now using various, baby bio and plant bloomer
i got the same problem its real green on top but the bottom leaves look like their burning from the bottom up bottom leaves are yellow if it is epsom salt i need how much do i use