Whos Bublebum to go with, Serious or TH Seeds


Active Member
Hey guys just trying to decide which Bublebum to go with between Serious Seeds and TH Seeds? TH seems to be the originator of the strain but Serious also has a good reputation. Opinions? Any have experience with on or the other, or both? Thanks
I dont know about th seeds being the originator of it was developed in indiana.But i would go with serious seeds everything from serious in my opinion grows vigorous.


Active Member
I dont know about th seeds being the originator of it was developed in indiana.But i would go with serious seeds everything from serious in my opinion grows vigorous.
You are right, it was started in Indiana, but then it went accroos the pond, and from what I understand, TH seeds stabilized it and developed it.
You are right, it was started in Indiana, but then it went accroos the pond, and from what I understand, TH seeds stabilized it and developed it.
Yeah it says th did that it also says serious seeds did it as well.Whichever company you want to choose is good.But i have experience with serious and everything i grew from them was great.


Well-Known Member
Serious seeds gets my vote. It's a win-win in this case but serious seeds is who I have experience with as well and they're solid.


Well-Known Member
i did some killer white russian.out of 11 seeds got 5 beautiful girls,big healthy seeds from serious seeds.


Well-Known Member
TH Seeds is the originator, but the Serious seeds genetic stock came from the same family. They just picked a different pheno type is all. One leans more to the sativa side and the other is more of indica. Which one is which I forgot about.


Well-Known Member
TH Seeds is the originator, but the Serious seeds genetic stock came from the same family. They just picked a different pheno type is all. One leans more to the sativa side and the other is more of indica. Which one is which I forgot about.
Serious Seeds went with the sativa pheno, TH seeds have a more indica pheno. Both look Great but if I was after a Bubblegum I'd go for Serious seeds's version....


Well-Known Member
ive never had the TH but been smoking and watching a friend grow the serious bubblegum its a real nice strain grows really strong n healthy yields really well and the smoke is super strong,


Well-Known Member
im growing ak 47 and chronic from serious, bought 2(10) packs of seeds, and got 11 in both backs, and every one of both packs germinated and are survived the seedling stage.

those with experience with serious bubble gum, how great is the taste? is it a subtle bubblegum, or very noticeable and delicious

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
I order mine from "High Quality" , still waiting for the mail to get here.

The taste will only be there if it is cured right.
Taking an extra week or two makes all the difference when it comes to bubble gum.


Well-Known Member
im growing ak 47 and chronic from serious, bought 2(10) packs of seeds, and got 11 in both backs, and every one of both packs germinated and are survived the seedling stage.

those with experience with serious bubble gum, how great is the taste? is it a subtle bubblegum, or very noticeable and delicious
the taste i wasnt totally impressed with, its really nice but not as bubblegumy as i would av thought and it was grown totally organically and also cured for 6wks dont get me wrong its a super strong lovely smoke just not as bubblegummy as i would av hoped, much better than the serious chronic which was grown at the same time.