Whoops, what's wrong? Curling and softening


Howdy, Using a bubbleponics system, changed water two nights ago, last night one plant looked like the following images. I did notice a 6 inch root going straight down one of two hoses that prevented most of the water from dripping through, took the root out this morning. Hoping that it was just a coincidence that the plant was showing the ailment caused by the lack of water the same time that I changed the water. The other three plants look AOK. The leaf is super tender and wilting downward with slight rust coloring on the leaf next to it. Any idea what's up with this one? Thanks.



Thanks for the help!

It ended up being sort of a combination of both. Too high PPM and too hot of water in res. The PPM of my RO water was 005 but the normal dose of nutes was wwwaayyy to much and shoved PPM up to 650. The plant was way to young to handle such harsh nutes and showed it to me. The water was at about 85 at night and 80 during the day (timing of lights important here obviously)