who posted the weed with what loked like a dried liquid on it, its important

strain that oozes thc?
nah man those secretions are sugars.
are they, i thaught it was odd that it happened and theymetioned the name of the strain with the info pepsi cola or some strange name. but than zah ii hop it is coz it looks like the images of laced weed too
are they, i thaught it was odd that it happened and theymetioned the name of the strain with the info pepsi cola or some strange name. but than zah ii hop it is coz it looks like the images of laced weed too
i remember it was a big marketing thing. they called the strain mangoo or some shit. people ate it up. its something neat.... i guess. but its not pure thc in goo form ;)
i think he only signed on for the single question as i cant message him, whis we shall see if he says anything about it, if its sugars he might say something but if its the laced weed he will prob think hes hit the jack pot. i hope im wrong, he did grow it and im getting ridicule for it, i realy hope im wrong
This sap can vary in colour from clear, to tan to a dark red. It contains organic and inorganic compounds such as sugars, potassium and mineral nutrients. It is completely harmless and has a sweet aroma and taste to it.

If sap is accumulating on outdoor cannabis plants, be mindful that this sweet sap is a tasty treat to unwanted visitors such as insects and pests.
i just cut and paste from.the article