who loves getting riped off?

M0de Grow

Active Member
so ive came to the point so many times where i thought id never get riped off! but it always finds a way to get me! aghhh :/ went to get a quarter and my dealer said he would hook me up i give him the money and he gets riped on a $1200 pound... i would ask for my money back but i mean hes poor now and im not an ass (oh and hes not ripping me he would :))

but some how even when i go through everybody i trust every once in a while the is a problem!

is the same with you? or does my life just suck? hahaha

Total Head

Well-Known Member
that is a wicked bitch. don't get me wrong, i feel bad when others suffer, but when their shit starts affecting ME then i really care haha. if he doesn't hook it up when he's back on his feet i would ask for the money then just to make a point.


Well-Known Member
I sold pot in high school and had 2 cases where buyers tried to rip me off. One resulted in me losing $1500 and the other resulted in a high speed chase that ended when the other kids crashed into a mailbox. On the plus side I didn't kill anyone in the chase and I got the 1/4lb back. Not something I'd ever want to do again. The thing with illegal stuff is shady people love it. The more value the shit has (stolen goods, coke, X, heroin) the more likely you are to encounter these lowlifes. Karma will get them in the end. Hopefully whoever jacked your boy got popped for possession with it. Hopefully he's not lying about getting jacked. Had that happen to me too. The kid that pulled the fake jacking got jacked for real when we found out. I wouldn't consider myself a shady person but I'm not gonna hang out and let someone fuck me.... unless it's my girl!


Active Member
Getting ripped happens. Doesn't make it right but it happens. Good news is that nowadays with the internet and sites like this you can learn to grow, grow high quality bud and be in a position of holding much good bud all the time for very little money spent.

My uncle used to have to do this shit in the 1970 and 80s without any input, without any help and without any internet or forum to turn to and had many, many set backs in buying, trying to grow, selling and finding better quality. Shit cost him many thousands and much hard learned lessions...now we can share, help each other out, teach and learn. We have it good right now. You will make your money back very soon if you learn the lesson, be a bit more careful next time. But really, i would be growing not buying. Growing will get you much bigger quantities, much higher qualities with much less hassle and more reward!



Active Member
isnt this a growing forum?
read some threads save some money for a few months instead of buying weed and grow your endless supply of dank
i said fuck you to dealers years ago


Well-Known Member
How about this, TRUST NOBODY!!! Your own mother will screw ya outright if the payoff is big enough.

M0de Grow

Active Member
Yeah i know im grow to stop going through people! haha oh a little money wouldn't hurt but yah know! and i do the trust know one this but it was only $45 so ill end up getting a quarter by the end of the week. just kinda surprised it happen to me again. anyone have any cool stories about getting riped(no not high haha).

oh and
ColoradoLove your story was fucking crazy! make a movie out of that shit! hahah


Active Member
gettin ripped off only happens to unstreet wise fools
its your falt you gave the money up front why would you do that thats just askin to get ripped off btw you might think he wouldnt do that but chances are he would most people these days are snakes end of theres very few exeptions

and 1 of my mates douse that all the time gets money up front then phones them 20 mins later saying hes been jackded, police caught him ect

if your mates not lieing then whats he doin goin to pound deals with out a wepon and exit plan?

M0de Grow

Active Member
gettin ripped off only happens to unstreet wise fools
its your falt you gave the money up front why would you do that thats just askin to get ripped off btw you might think he wouldnt do that but chances are he would most people these days are snakes end of theres very few exeptions

and 1 of my mates douse that all the time gets money up front then phones them 20 mins later saying hes been jackded, police caught him ect

if your mates not lieing then whats he doin goin to pound deals with out a wepon and exit plan?
first time i gave anyone money before i got my bud in like a year. i guess i learned why i didnt do that haha. but no he didnt rip me off this guy is like a brother and and like i ask for a quarter and hell be liek heres 12g's ahahah he eyes it up and and goes way over hahah ill end upo getting $45 back and almost a half... but i still didnt get high that night haha


Well-Known Member
Ha I could def write a book about the experiences of slangin bows as a high schooler. That shit went down in Iowa too, bout as far as you can get from a shady place. But I guess that only goes to show, shady people everywhere. Call your boy's bluff. Be like "yo I know who jacked your shit, and I know where he is, lets go get him!" See what his reaction is

M0de Grow

Active Member
Ha I could def write a book about the experiences of slangin bows as a high schooler. That shit went down in Iowa too, bout as far as you can get from a shady place. But I guess that only goes to show, shady people everywhere. Call your boy's bluff. Be like "yo I know who jacked your shit, and I know where he is, lets go get him!" See what his reaction is
haha thing is we do know where he lives now hahahahahahahaha! funny you would say that but i aint getting into to shooting shit! he can die for a pound! all i need is light and water and ill have mine :)