Who likes to toke only a little?


Well-Known Member
While i do love those occasional nights where I get so high I cant speak, i have recently found the joys of taking 1 or 2 big hits, then calling it quits. I love being slightly high, where i just seem to function much better. its great especially for social situations. getting blazed all the time i find to actually be quite taxing, especially the next few days after smoking

im pretty sure im in the minority, but is anyone else with me on this?


Well-Known Member
Ive actually noticed that too, i sometimes just like to take a couple hits and relax and just listen to music rather than smoke a huge session and then be burnt out all day.


Well-Known Member
same here i always take 3 or 4 hits then im Good to Go
for the university or the work its perfect for me :)


Well-Known Member
I rarely ever take more than 2 tokes at a time. Thats a far cry from when I was younger. I could sit there and smoke 2 joints and still want more. Nowadays, if I take more than 2 tokes, I get panicky (paranoid that I'm not breathing right and that I might pass out or die).

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
While i do love those occasional nights where I get so high I cant speak, i have recently found the joys of taking 1 or 2 big hits, then calling it quits. I love being slightly high, where i just seem to function much better. its great especially for social situations. getting blazed all the time i find to actually be quite taxing, especially the next few days after smoking

im pretty sure im in the minority, but is anyone else with me on this?

I've been smoking on and off for close to 30 years now and I've pretty much always been that way.

Sure I like to have a big smoke out on occasion but for the most part it's just a couple of hits in the evening to relax and unwind from the day. I smoke a little more on the weekends, but it's rare for me to spend a whole day high.

In all honesty I like not having a high tolerance for weed because I enjoy taking a few hits and enjoying a nice mellow high for a few hours. Being chained to my bong all day taking hit after hit to stay high is not my idea of fun.


Active Member
i think alot more people are like you than you think.. easily 95% of my friends are like that


Active Member
I wish I would only smoke a little at a time. I do try but I always end up smoking more than I should. I am never taxed the next day or so but I always running out of weed earlier than I want which sucks because it's a fucking chore to find more.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I don't smoke much because of the kids being around...so when I get a chance to smoke, I smoke so much in one sitting,my pipe is yelling for mercy.:D


New Member
It's like ... all or nothing for me....

I know that it's an all around better experience if I just smoke a little, but for some reason once I'm a little baked I can't stop smoking the rest of what I have... If it's there, it will be smoked. I do usually make a small joint last like an hour though.. Taking a couple hits at a time...


Well-Known Member
with me and my girl smoking, the bong doesnt get set down until the bowl is cashed..
if its just me im more likely to set it down after a few good hits.
but the normal indicator to stop is when the bowl is done, unless we think another bowl is a good ideabongsmilie


Well-Known Member
For me it's more out of necessity that I do this...I live in dorms and hence can't just pull out my smoke n chill wherever. During the day I use my one/two hitter fake ciggy outside for a smoke break n just be on a low level high, but its very nice, relaxing, calming, and I can still do anything I could do sober with ease. It's funny though I still smoke just as much actual herb because it doesn't last as long so I'm constantly maintaining every couple hours :joint: Those the breaks tho : P