who likes hash oil?


Well-Known Member
that looks like some killer oil bro...I love it...thats really all i try to smoke anymore...its addicting...lmao...heres a few pics of some Sour Diesel bho i made last week and a new skillet that i just grabbed over the weekend...I LOVE OIL...ganj



thanks, thats some dank oil you got there yourself too, think if those two oils somehow met, then fucked, u would get some crazy shit


Well-Known Member
what's the easiset way to make it? without burning up everything? how much bud/cuttings do u need for a good amount

Green Apple

Well-Known Member
Thats some killer looking amber honey bro....I don't live in california (not even close), but more and more people in my area are getting into the oil's. A lot of the "bubble" guy's are begging me to teach them how to make honey....There alway's surprised how easy it really is.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I recently tried my hand at ISO Hash oil for the first time, couldn't have been easier, 30 seconds of shaking a jam jar then just pour it through a bubblebag and leave to evaporate. Much safer as well, at least i think it is ;)

Put it near something warm and it just turns to gooooo :) so much better than hash as well, i just heat it with a lighter and use it like a pencil and draw a line on the rizzla.

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
To answer the OP, not me! I make it all the time, but mostly for my patients. I will take a smooth properly cured bud over BHO/earwax/budder any day. You may have to smoke more to get the same effect, but smoking lots of good buds is much better for my throat than smoking a little BHO. I feel like I am dying anytime I smoke BHO, especially if I smoke it by it's self in a hash pipe.