who knows you smoke cannabis?


Well-Known Member
I have finally come out to my entire family that I use cannabis everyday to treat my MS. Everyone is supportive, and my fears of my parents finding out were put to rest. It just feels good not hiding my usage.
Does everyone important in your life know you smoke?(besides bosses and co-workers of course)
What do you think they would say or do if they knew?


Well-Known Member
Just my brother, my brother, my sister, there relatives, my friends my co workers, my friends, fellow students, my boss, me, me,me, me, parents nope


Active Member
Family is extremely supportive as long as i use when the time is right is right and im not driving, enjoy the herb, i love it.:hump:


Well-Known Member
non medical user and my family knows, i dont flaut it infont of them, some are pretty up tight but they all know and respect my decision.


Master of Mayhem
Everybody that knows me knows I smoke weed.... Everyone. They all (my family) pretty much don't care as long as I don't smoke out their house or anything. Everybody is cool about it with me.


Well-Known Member
Just my sister, shes supportive, mainly because she likes to bum some off of me.

Besides from her, no one. Everyone thinks I'm a law abiding citizen of the US.


anyone who walks in my house. i don't take precautions for guests not to smell previously smoked ganja. i'd feel like i was depriving them of something.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like most people are becoming educated about cannabis. Although there are still a lot of ignorant narrow minded douche bags out there.


Well-Known Member
My brother pretty much knows. My mom suspects it, but hasn't found anything except a few lighters, some papers, and an empty grow box. lol You could say she knows. My mom agrees with me that it should be legalized, but she still doesn't want it in her house.

My brother just told me that it's a social thing and don't do anything stupid.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Yo CB!

I'm med. I didn't open up about my usage to my teenage kids until I felt that they could understand all of it and I could talk to them logically about "pot" in general. I know they had smelled it and I know I wasn't pulling anything over on em, but telling them I was med and no longer on the pills was a GOOD feeling and was something that they supported FULLY once the cat was out of the bag. It was an awesome tool to use to be able to tell them that I wanted to be honest with them and that I could ALWAYS handle them being honest with me. Such an approach has played out favorably on more than one occasion since the reveal...

After that...and even after telling them the consequences of telling others...some of their friends ultimately found out....and my youngest even had to knock a kid upside the head at school for blabbing it on the playground after being specifically asked (Ok, warned) to keep his mouth shut. Then the Principal found out. Good thing it's a small town and I know all the players, and they know/have seen me hit HARD with pain and the resulting weight loss I have endured from the Doctor's BS and the meds I was on for far too long...

My brother knows...though he's a Right-winger and condemns me for it

Parents don't know *yet*. They live in another town and are comng for a visit..and know I've smoked pot as a kid/adult...never approving of the practice. Should be interesting as I have 6 plants in flower about 2'-3' tall on my back deck... ;-)~

in the long run..those who understand/respect my decision to use MMJ over narcotics get the same understanding/respect from me. Those who don't receive sympathy from me for their lack of empathy towards others and usually get an earful about thweir callouseness. When someone criticizes my usage to control pain..I know for a *fact* that they have never endured chronic/long-term pain.

In the end I find that I have no time for those who do not understand...or worse, for those who fail to try to understand.

good thread. All the best to you/yours. Be well.

bt dt