Who is the worst person in existence right now and why?


Well-Known Member
If you had one single vote to cast towards the worse person currently in existence, who would you vote for and what justifies the title?

Remember, you have to narrow it down to one person.


Well-Known Member
lmao too many threads ;) jk jk
vladimir putin. dont trust him and he has taken the hope of a truly democratic russia and crushed it.


Well-Known Member
amenijad is just a puppet. im more concerned with the clerics who pull the strings


Well-Known Member
According to all the bunk I have digested in my life, The antichrist is prolly alive walking the earth or soon will
be. Now I`m scared, shit!!!

It is either him or Hulk Hogan for obvious reasons


Well-Known Member
lol .. is this your experiment to see how much ignorance people have. Worst is a relative term and has no true meaning. You may be the worst player on the team but if you are in the Olympics are you really that bad?

Oh I hate Iran & I hate Russia , but based on what?? Have you been there? Do you even know how their governments work?

NO you just let he fancy picture box do the thinking for you.

With this said. I pick no-one not because its relative, but because the question is not complete. Worst at what? worst is meaningless with out a direction.


Well-Known Member
My ex-wife... cause she is a shitty mom and makes no effort... and she's a dead beat, haven't seen a child support payment in 2 years or more and hasn't made any effort to pay her half our kid's medical bills. I'm being sent to collections cause this bitch can't step up... oh well at least my daughter has me... stay high


Pickle Queen
Paris Hilton!!!!!

Hawt is not a cool word to say 12 times per minute

Totting ur untrained puppy in a 5000$ bag is now mandatory if u wanna be "hawt" like miss smarty pants, way to fuck up an entire generation of women u extension wearing fake tanned tart!! How can young ladies become wonderful grounded women if they have crap like her to look up 2 :(


Well-Known Member
in existence? Can I get galactic? probably not.

well there's a couple in my neighborhood who are feeling pretty bad right about now, will continue too for a while and have done since very early Saturday morning. They're proper snobs too. They came home drunk and smashed up their own house, from the outside in. Doors, smashed windows, fucked up their garden, beer bottles everywhere, personal belongs thrown about all over the place - keys, handbags, money etc.

The whole neighborhood heard, some saw and everyone is laughing at them. Never has a couple been so silent. I wonder how long it lasts.


Well-Known Member
my other personality, holy fuck that dude pisses me off so bad. ever time i try to enjoy a piece of life and do something that would just give me a bit of fun and needed letting loose i have to settle for something more tame.