who goes to collage?


Well-Known Member
who goes to collage? what do you take?
if all goes well il be taking aviation science this January. i heard that pilots have strict drug test they have to pass, so i might be saying goodbye to bud in a while, fuck it its worth it tho, il still be "high"

but yea, what are you collage guys/girls taking, what do you want to be/do


well i go to College*

im majoring in computer science and possibly electrical engineering


Well-Known Member
I'm starting off with an associates in Accounting and then going from there.. i'll probably never stop learning though.

I have a friend whos a huge pothead and is becoming a pilot.. basically if you want to be a pilot you'll be kissing weed goodbye, at least until you retire.


Well-Known Member

I am heading to Either CMU ( Central Michigan University )


ASU ( Arizona State University )

To Major in English and History and become a teacher =)

Lame i know but... I love expressing myself through literature and history has always interested me.


New Member
I was gonna go to Collage, but then decided that The Paper Mache Technical Institute was the place for me. :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
I'm heading off in about a year or two, hopefully to major in computer science, or some form of elecrical engineering - really into that stuff :peace:

hope to do some web design/ audio software programming/ create electronic music - hobbies during all of it


Active Member
Has anyone made a joke about the OP's spelling yet?

Ok, here I go.
I don't go to collage but I do go to college.


Well-Known Member
i hate people who dont know what there talking about. when i signed up for pilot classes at the school,the lady at the school told me the classes were at a certain airport, i was all happy n shit cuz i could hop on a bus and be dropped off almost at the front door.
so after i sign up, get approved for finacial aide, all the shit to get in.
the instructor emails me and says its at a different airport. this airport is actually in a closer town, but its like a 4 mile walk from the closest bus or train stop. theres no way to get their by bus or train . it wolud take me longer just to get their than the class, not to mention another 4 mile walk back to the stop.its not a commercial airport so theres no shuttle service or anything.
pilot classes was the only thing that realy interested me.....fuck
i was thinking of criminal justice, but i realy dont wanna be a lawyer or a cop(dirty of course)lol
can you be anything else after taking criminal justice?
i might take engineering but im not sure
