Who do you blame?

I blame @ElmerS and @DancesWithWeeds

This thread is a great idea
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I blame @ElmerS

This thread is a great idea
Speaking of tortilla presses
But the other use sounds legit.
I’m not sure why but the first thought that went through my head when I saw this pic was “ spread’em if ya got’em “ .

I blame myself for having to buy a new kitchen faucet today because I got high af last night and tried to change the sprayer handle but it is one of those quick click hoses that they no longer sell parts for ( thanks delta ) so I bought a new delta faucet today…..got my belly full of pork and smoked until I went cross eyed and installation will not happen tonight. I’m to blame for that part also.
Damn. I got nobody but myself. When I'm bummed I end up doing retail therapy. I bought some 24k stock and wire, 22k solder, and a parcel of diamonds to make a necklace for myself. And then I went and bought copper foil stained glass equipment and a bunch of 4x6" sheets of glass in color kits. I need someone to stop me, let alone have anyone influence me lol.
Damn. I got nobody but myself. When I'm bummed I end up doing retail therapy. I bought some 24k stock and wire, 22k solder, and a parcel of diamonds to make a necklace for myself. And then I went and bought copper foil stained glass equipment and a bunch of 4x6" sheets of glass in color kits. I need someone to stop me, let alone have anyone influence me lol.
Can we see any stained glass work you've done sounds good love looking at especially when sun hits.