white widow yellow leaves with red spots 40 days into flower


Active Member
hey this started at the very bottom and its starting to work its way to the top, and the leves are turning yellow uniformly (like 1 will get bad, then another one will start) someone told me this is normal that the plant is killing it self off in a way to give all its last energy to the buds (which have exploded btw) another person told me phosphorous deff. I should also note that its just the big fan leaves, should i just cut them off? yall let me know what to do




Well-Known Member
she looks ok and normal for 5 weeks. you can add some fine dolomite lime to your soil and/or molasses for some extra mg and p


Well-Known Member
You could give it a shot of nitrogen if you feel it neccessary. I did to my WW when it started to yellow and it fixed it. Mine also started low and work it's way up