White widow x big bud cfl grow


Well-Known Member
Ok so this plant was planted in soil on sept 14th tomorrow she will be six weeks old, to give you some background my veg box is 2' x 2' x 50" the soil is miracle grow moisture control, lighting for veg is 1 mini lotus cfl bulb 9500 lumens, 125 watt dual spectrum, for bloom i will be using the same along with 4 26w 1650 lumen 2700k regular cfls for supplement lighting, the white on the leaves were from her 1st feeding she had yesterday and currently stands 18" tall, she has had 4 cuttings taken from her of which i believe 3 are going to make it one i pulled already as it gave up and crappie flopped the other 3 are perky and still looking healthy, i attempted a FIM on her but i completely missed and ended up with just some funny looking leaflets, i pinched the main stalk about 3 days ago to let some bottom branches catch up, she just started showing pistils, not that i was too concerned about it they were fem'd seeds, anyway feel free to comment and give any pointers throughout my grow and i know my setup isn't ideal but I'm in it for personal usage, so I'm making due with what i have available to me and thanx for looking :)



Active Member
Nice man, looks like a healthy green plant! Im just about to finish up a mixed spec CFL grow...1 fem'd Afgahan Skunk (check my sig) with similar wattage...What are your temps like, I would throw a little thermo in there if you dont have one, just to give you an idea. Also, what size is that pot...I would transplant to a larger pot (if at all possible) before flowering. Just my opinions...good luck and PEACE!
like above said, looks really healthy... i have one going thats about 10 days older. would like to see the difference in bud production. Using MG soil also but also Fish fertilizer and bone meal... Mine is stretching alot in the 2nd week of flower so id just say make sure to keep lights a good enough distance to avoid burning fan leaves


Well-Known Member
My room is in my basement so its cooler down there even though its trapped in that box ive often been concerned about my temps being too low, its probably low to mid 70s but the bulb its under produces almost no heat, literally, i have had it ob 24/7 for this plants entire life and can rest my finger on the glass tubes and not burn my finger, so i just guesstimate the temp maybe a few degrees higher than the room itself which is at about 68 degrees, and its a small pot maybe a 2 gal, thanks for the input, ill definitely make note of it.


Well-Known Member
Ok have a question really quick, as i mentioned above i took 4 cuttings from her about a week to week and a half ago, now those i put in rock wool cubes 1.5" in aerated water, inside of a 2" net pot, now this is my dilemma, i cant tell if they are getting roots or not, they have not wilted and are still very sturdy but before i put this plant into flower (which i want to very badly) i want to make sure i have a rooted clone to rely on as a new mother, as i learn about my plant and its traits in growth, and want to keep this strain going for awhile, any suggestions aside from waiting till roots pop through the side of the rock wool? Another question i have is about transplanting it from this pot, all i have for soil is the mg moisture control so im concerned that if i transplant now that the mg nutes from the soil would be fresh, and i might end up burning my plant if i add bloom nutes to it for flowering it, might be a dumb concern to some ppl but this plant is my baby and a strain that i wanna keep, so im very careful about not overfeeding her with chem nutes, im almost wondering if i might be better off keeping her in this pot for the plants sake and just trying to keep up with the maintenance on her, what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
if u want to transplant do it now. i would have done that before throwing it to flowering....but if u do transplant using 1/4tsp per gallon of superthrive to stop the shock but the superthrive will being ur bud production on hold for a week then start back up again.....never use superthrive during flowering unless ur want to stretch ur flowering time...it does not effect ur bud production it just slows time down. so for u adding bloom fert. .... flush ur plant first wait a 4-7days then feed it ur bloom fert.

Man i wish i could get WWxBB again i grow them all the time and alway got twice as much yeild from that plant then any other....it yields alot and huge buds.... good luck... keep a mother plant for sure.


Well-Known Member
I havent put it into bloom yet shes still vegging, my question was would transplanting now into preferted soil be a issue because its all i have atm and if i switch her to bloom i would like to start bloom ferts right away but dont want to over fert her in her in flowering, im just being cautious because it is mg soil, i know that its a common issue with mg, honestly i didnt count on the growth rate of this plant but its a big concern being that im getting close to flowering time, and im curious how is the smoke from this strain? Any complaints? Sorry i wasnt more specific above.


Well-Known Member
I havent put it into bloom yet shes still vegging, my question was would transplanting now into preferted soil be a issue because its all i have atm and if i switch her to bloom i would like to start bloom ferts right away but dont want to over fert her in her in flowering, im just being cautious because it is mg soil, i know that its a common issue with mg, honestly i didnt count on the growth rate of this plant but its a big concern being that im getting close to flowering time, and im curious how is the smoke from this strain? Any complaints? Sorry i wasnt more specific above.
Just transplant like i said ... transplant give it 1/4tsp per gallon of superthrive,,,, wait 4 days then flush ur plant(means washing out the nutrients in the soil by adding aleast 3 times the amount water u have for soil so 3 gallons for 1 gallon pot) then wait 5 days and then add ur bloom...i grow with MG too i do get burns but its like it burns my whole leaf just a lil of the tips..


Well-Known Member
After much debate i decided to not change the pot but instead just try to keep up with feeding her, i relined the bloom box, emergency blanket, kinda pissed bout that but thats a whole other story, upped the lighting, am now using 2 mini lotus dual spectrums 125w 9500 lumens,with 4 23w 2700k 1650 lumen bulbs (2 to the right/left of the 2 main bulbs) she has now been blooming for 1 week, heres some updated pics feel free to post some of yours here as well.



Well-Known Member
Also FIM'd her main stalk one more time and pinched her 5-7 more times to slow stretching down as that was my main concern with transplanting, more specifically space im my given area, i have no pots that are wider with close height, so i decided smaller pot = smaller plant in the long run, with given height restrictions it only made sense to me, although shes eating like a monster atm she dries her soil about every 2 days i gave her a shot of 10/60/10 on her 1st day of bloom and haven't fed her since just water balanced at about 6.5 the water is 1/2 tap and 1/2 rain water i think that about covers where shes at to date.


Well-Known Member
So this is her as of yesterday afternoon, being that this is a cfl grow, i decided to do the aggressive defoliation technique to get some light penetration under the canopy, these pics were taken before i did this and i will post a few more in a cpl days after she recovers some.


ii dP ii

keep us posted man, I am waiting on some WWxBB seeds should be here today. I'll be interested to see how they compare when I start her up.
Looking good man, nice green and healthy. My WWxBB didnt stretch much after the 2nd/3rd week of flip. Just beware and prepared for issues... Stay on top of any deficiency sign ASAP! My bud are looking really nice but leaves are atrocious.


Well-Known Member
Yea, she just started week 3 of flower, a little stretch but mostly the lower branches that did but i think that was due to the pinching and FIM i did right before flowering her, she gets tended to daily i stay on top on deficiancies, but thanx for the support on that post a pic or 2 of urs on here i tried to find it on your profile but couldnt , interested in seeing it though :)


Active Member
nice one zig, gonna sub this till the end….

I'm in the noob corridor and doing my first grow and in week 1 of flowering…. was having a read up yesterday on some guides re defoliation…...

Im debating whether to do such to my girls to increase the yield… *ponder*


Well-Known Member
if u want to transplant do it now. i would have done that before throwing it to flowering....but if u do transplant using 1/4tsp per gallon of superthrive to stop the shock but the superthrive will being ur bud production on hold for a week then start back up again.....never use superthrive during flowering unless ur want to stretch ur flowering time...it does not effect ur bud production it just slows time down. so for u adding bloom fert. .... flush ur plant first wait a 4-7days then feed it ur bloom fert.

Man i wish i could get WWxBB again i grow them all the time and alway got twice as much yeild from that plant then any other....it yields alot and huge buds.... good luck... keep a mother plant for sure.
if you want a mutant plant feed with what he says. superthrive will mutate your plant.


Well-Known Member
Lol i didnt transplant nor use superthrive, didnt know that but thanks for the input i couldnt find it so i just decided to try to keep up with feeding in the pot it was in :)