White Widow Problem


Hi I have a White widow that has been in flower since 5/16 (so right at 8 weeks now). I woke up today to find that the leaves have turned very yellow. I stopped giving it nutes about a week ago anticipating harvest time comming in the next few weeks. My question is what does everyone think? Should I give this nutes and hope that it will recover, or is this close enough to harvest that I should just keep watering it without nutes and harvest when the trics are cloudy/amber, or is this all totally normal. This is only my second grow and my first one was a mess from start to finish. This one has been going great till now. Any tips/suggestions would be appreciate!
FYI I use RO water, foxfarms ocean(something) dirt, and the bigblossom nutes.



Well-Known Member
it could be a nute problem or it could be that the plant is dying off for winter - i have seen plants drop most of their leaves as a side effect of finishing budding..
am i wrong?

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
You're doing just fine.
Leaves are meant to yellow and die as your plant reaches ripeness.
Just keep watering and flushing this last week or two before harvest and you'll be fine.
I would recommend picking off the dead leaves regularly, as they can harbor mold and fungus.
Good luck.


ya man i flush till almost all the fans are yellow makes the smoke smoother your strait just keep feeding them water till there finished green leaves at harvest is not a good thing good luck 8)


Well-Known Member
The yellowing that everybody is speaking of, should look like an Autumn tree leaf. A nice shade of yellow throughout the leaf. If you have spotting, where it's dark spots accompanied with the yellowing, and finally a crumbly leaf, than you have a problem, but at 8 weeks along, chances are, either way, you're in the kill zone.


Great thanks for the help! I was very worried that I was going to screw up this grow also. Glad to hear i'm on the right track.