White Widow - Day 57 Flowering


Well-Known Member
The buds are getting very heavy, the branches can barely support them anymore. I have turned the lights to 18hrs dark, 6 hours of light to stress the plant into producing more resin before harvest.

I have used Bio Bizz All Mix and Grow, Bloom, Top Max.
400w HID
1mX1mX2m Bud Box

Apparently White Widow should flower for 9-10 weeks. About day 66 - 67 according to the Dutch.

Anybody got any other info? Anyone grown and harvested White Widow?

Its my first grow - I'm happy so far!

Grow Journal - https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/107406-6-white-widow-4-god.html


Well-Known Member
i've never heard of this turning back to 18/6 business. wouldnt that cause it to hermie? or reveg? like i just couldnt picture that being good for the plant.
I think something like 14/10 would be better.
But those plants do look fuckin sick man, good job.


Well-Known Member
I'll be honest, I had never heard it but its on a few of the dutch websites about White Widow. They dont say it about other strains.

This is a quote from what I read;

We suggest the final 2 weeks of the flowering cycle to turn the lights off altogether - or at least down to 8 hours. This keeps the flowers from regrowth and stresses the plant into giving up its last drop of goodness as crystal to protect the flower...try it!

I wondered about the hermie thing but they are so far gone by now, I dont think they could if they tried. They are sticky and very sweet smelling.

I was worried about the smell. Its almost perfume like. With a citrus twang? I'm no expert, but it doesnt smell like weed. But, when you smoke it, its brilliant. :clap:



Well-Known Member
Ah its reverse 18/6 - 18 hours dark - 6 hours light.

I just realised how that post looked. Its not back to 18/6 - its gone to 6/18!!

Sorry for confusing everyone....


Active Member
Re-read the quote!!! This says give it an extended dark perk period saying reduce to 8 on 16 off, or no light just before harvest. Some people do 24-72 hour dar period just prior to harvest to bring out the trcihs.

YOU ARE RE-VEGGING with 18-6! :sad: Hopefully no issues just switch back to 12/12 now, then if you want to try the 8/16 thing in a few more days or a week..

Have a read on extending dark period before harvest, if you want to give it a go.

"We suggest the final 2 weeks of the flowering cycle to turn the lights off altogether - or at least down to 8 hours. This keeps the flowers from regrowth and stresses the plant into giving up its last drop of goodness as crystal to protect the flower...try it!"



Active Member
Re-read the quote!!! This says give it an extended dark perk period saying reduce to 8 on 16 off, or no light just before harvest. Some people do 24-72 hour dark period just prior to harvest to bring out the trichs.

YOU ARE RE-VEGGING with 18-6! :sad: Hopefully no issues just switch back to 12/12 now, then if you want to try the 8/16 thing in a few more days or a week..

Have a read on extending dark period before harvest, if you want to give it a go.

"We suggest the final 2 weeks of the flowering cycle to turn the lights off altogether - or at least down to 8 hours. This keeps the flowers from regrowth and stresses the plant into giving up its last drop of goodness as crystal to protect the flower...try it!"



Well-Known Member
lol ok yeah that makes more sense. so did you find that it did bring out more trichs?


Well-Known Member
Well its only been a week. I dont know if its the lights or just what happens but the branches are bending with the weight. It can only be resin formation.

The buds are incredibly sticky and sweet, but the trichromes are still clear?


Well-Known Member
i probably would have let a few more of the hairs go brown before switchin... usually you want to wait till half of the hairs go amber, and most of the time the main cola goes amber first. either way you are going to have some nice sticky icky to smoke on

nice job on your first grow


Well-Known Member
I wasnt sure if I was supposed to go by the time they say (8-9) weeks flowering, or what the plants did. I only switched the lights on week 8.

The buds are definitely fattening up. But I wont pull them till they are completely ready.

I cant help but pinch the bottom branches and smoke the small buds, they're fabulous. Harsh, cause of the microwave but a very good high :-P


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they look amazing.

I kept to Bio Bizz products throughout the whole grow. Completely organic.

If they look like this in soil, I wanna try hydro!


Active Member
Can I ask what your feeding schedule was? I have a very similar set up and stunted my first grow with BioBizz! I know where i went wrong but wondered how often and how much you fed those plants. They look superb btw :)


Well-Known Member


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Holy Christ! That is your first grow?! That looks fucking beyond amazing! haha I can't wait to see more of your grows.


Junior Creatologist
Is that Flying Dutchmans White Widow?? it looks EXACTLY like their cola nug does in the advertisement for their seeds man. That shit looks off the god damn hook. I just started some Seedsman seeds White widow a little while ago, n if my shit looks ANYTHING like that ill be fuckin jumpin for joy. Itll make all my other indicas look like bitch sissy plants, lol.

How long did you veg out for? n how tall are them fuckers??

If u could, pm me so i can ask you a couple Q's about it without hijacking your thread man.
