White Widow & Bubblegummer 300W Floro Grow


Well-Known Member
This spring I originally planned to do a large outdoor grow but now that I am moving out in may I have to stick with a small grow under my veg lights. Normally I stick with out door so my veg lights consist of about 350watts of cfl and 48" floro tubes, if I have enough money next month when I start to flower I will buy a 400 watt mh or hps something with a little more power.

Lights: 6 40w 48" floros, 2 40w cfls, and hopefully a 400w hps.
Medium: An organic soil mix I found on here I think its Subcools.
Nutes: Fox Farm
Training: Topped for 4 colas then I will either put them into a scrog or lst them to get the flat canopy just in case I can't get the hps I will need a flowering method that will work with 6 48" floro tubes.

They will veg for about a month or more under 18/6 then I will switch them to 12/12, if I can figure out a way to flower a full sized plant under floros I will let them grow larger but the max height for my plants is up to 6ft which is why I want that hps.Hopefully ill pull at least an ounce of some dank and toke a couple bowls while I write the smoke report (Never grown with floros before what do you guys think is possible to pull with this light setup?)


Well-Known Member
The grow has already been started and is at week 1, the plants look healthy and green my favorite color :weed: here is a picture update for the first week of their lives. If anyone has any input or suggestions of how I can raise my yield using floros feel free to post +rep for good info.



Well-Known Member
The girls are starting to grow a new set of leaveswhich is good because I figured they would be more stressed from the transplant to the larger 5 gallon buckets. I may raise the light just a bit to keep them growing up some more. Here is a few more pics at day 8.

Also if any one has any input on how I should flower these (scrog,lst,SOG) please let me know.


King Dingaling

Well-Known Member
I have never grown with floros but many years with HPS, i would say depending on the heat your lights give of just to keep them as close to the plants as possible without burning them. Also i may suggest that you check out to buy red spectrum bulbs for your lights when it becomes time to flower. GOOD LUCK


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input the floros put off almost no heat unless touching them so I usually keep them about 1 inch away for flower though I now have some extra money and am currently looking for a 400 w hps with switchable ballast to run a MH bulb to.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday was the end of week 2, the plants seem to be healthy and have nice tight spacing between the nodes. I think that I will top them sometime during the 4th week and then begin the low stress training. I'm also hoping to use the cuttings from the topping to make clones. Also I have found a refurbished 400w hps with a 3 year warranty so I might get it.
Here are a few pics of the girls.IMAG0167.jpgIMAG0166_2.jpgIMAG0164.jpgIMAG0156.jpg

Does anyone know what the flowering period is for g13 labs white widow, and c99?


Well-Known Member
Well its official the 400w bps was ordered and is being shipped as we toke, as for the plants the growth is amazing. New growth is clear everyday I have been keeping the cfls close and also added some additional floro tubes of mixed spectrums to provide some additional light but still keep node spacing tight. New pics will be up soon at the end of week 3 also once the hps comes in I will begin taking clones 36 to be exact with the 2 left over I am most likely just put them under some cfls and experiment.


Well-Known Member
I am now under attack the bugs have been spotted I will begin feeding neem oil and add a no pest strip into the area as well any tips on pest would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Photos from week 3 will be posted up tomorrow size is incredible compared to the pics from last week at least doubled in.size.


Well-Known Member
At the end of week 3 I am glad to see the plants doing so well other than the small pest problem that I had everything is going well they are now under a 400w hps still in veg I am considering switching to flower next Saturday because they will be 1 month old and I am on a tight budget and time these girls must be finished by the end of may I just hope it doesn't hurt my yield.IMAG0188.jpgIMAG0187.jpgIMAG0184.jpgIMAG0177.jpgIMAG0175.jpgIMAG0174.jpg


Well-Known Member
How much you looking to yeild ? You wont get more than an oz or even less probly if you flip now looking at them they aint that big atol.


Well-Known Member
I am looking to get around 4+ ounces from these 2 but I also will be taking clones from them I may just let them get to about 2 feet tall before I switch them I just hope it starts growing faster with the new light.


Well-Known Member
lookin good so far.. adn yeaaa u usually only end up with an ounce or under wen u start flowering this early.. but its up 2 u man. lol ur grow! plenty of ppl flower this early.. or flower str8 from seed and are happy.. like u said.. u can flower them now.. once they grow a couple branches. take a clone from each and let the clones grow big.. and jsut let the small ones flower. jsut so u can see wat the bud will be like. =) subbed


Well-Known Member
** lettem thehm get 2 ft tall is good.. but make sure u have room.. the plants will double.. adn sumtimes triple in size... soo if u letem get 2 ft tall.. ur lookin at a 4ft. possibly 6 ft plant.... hahahaha. i generally like to let them get about 12 inches... 10-12 inches is good. =) youll get a decent yield from that.. and that usually takes 3ish weeks. adn 18-6 is the best light cycle for vegging plants... ive vegged on 24-0 adn 20-4 plenty of times.. adn 18-6 is deff better for them.. adn will give them less of a shock wen u switch over to 12-12.. jsut tryna drop lil helpful hints for ya man. good luck with ur grow. ill be stoppin by =)


Well-Known Member
Yeah man thanks for the input right now they are at about 7 inches but that's because I had a deficiency problem and they were growing slow under the floros for 3 weeks, but any way this ones just a test grow i just started 12/12 to hopefully speed the growth up and I am going to use all the branches for clones I'm going to reveg them and put them into my new and improved sog system and do 12/12 from clone and get a nice perpetual grow going. The white widow is probably going to die so I'm going to top it and and use the top as a clone but I think the genetics are weak.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man thanks for the input right now they are at about 7 inches but that's because I had a deficiency problem and they were growing slow under the floros for 3 weeks, but any way this ones just a test grow i just started 12/12 to hopefully speed the growth up and I am going to use all the branches for clones I'm going to reveg them and put them into my new and improved sog system and do 12/12 from clone and get a nice perpetual grow going. The white widow is probably going to die so I'm going to top it and and use the top as a clone but I think the genetics are weak.
awww thats too bad about he white widow. wierd i had a white widow.. she was doin awesome! had her veggin for a couple weeks... and no bullshit... one day i go to check on her... and ALL of her leaves are brown and folding up and soggy..... idk wtf happened.. still to this day. shit just dies overnight... but yeaa man keeping the top as a clone is a good thing to do.. i feel like alotta ppl 4get that wen u top... u can keep that as a clone.. and its the main cola... soo its already the strongest branch outta the plant. soo it will grow great!

and the 1st week or 2 of 12 12 is gonna be a lil bit slow 4 ya.. cuz it takes a lil while b4 it can get used to the change of being in 12 12. but after the 1st couple weeks.. they should explaode with new growth!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think I will be taking all but the main cola from the Bubblegummer and use all the branches as clones which brings up the question how well do clones do under 12/12 from start or after thy root?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think I will be taking all but the main cola from the Bubblegummer and use all the branches as clones which brings up the question how well do clones do under 12/12 from start or after thy root?
ehhh.. probably wont do too great if u take thema dn put them RIGHT under 12-12.. maybe u can try it with 1 and see how it does... i would take the clone(s) and put them under the CFL with 18-6 lighting (make sure to spray them... ALOT.. you wanna keep the humidity nice and high for the clones.. adn spraying them a few times a day will deff help) and wait for them to root.. usually 1-2 weeks. and then u can throw them righ tback into flowering and theyll do fine. ALOT of people do this... take like 10 clones... root them all. and then stick them under 12-12. almost like a sea of green almost. they may root if u take them and leave them under 12-12... but i am not sure on that... =/


Well-Known Member
Hey man stopped by just to give my two cents. Are you sure its a Bubblegummer? C-99 is Cinderella-99, I got both c99 and bubblegummer with my last order. I kept the c99 for later but popped the BG into soil. She is doing hella good. Had her under 3 15W cfls, its day 30 maybe and they are about 9 inches tall but I super cropped all her small branches and now they are about to the top cola. But from what Ive read about taking the main cola and turning it into a clone is hard, since its always growing so its always creating new hormones when the lower branches already have that set ya know? Just my 2cents Im subbed be sticking around, Ill be tossing my BG into flower at the end of this month. Feel free to stop on by my ladies about to get chopped soon too. Deuces!!


Well-Known Member
Hey man stopped by just to give my two cents. Are you sure its a Bubblegummer? C-99 is Cinderella-99, I got both c99 and bubblegummer with my last order. I kept the c99 for later but popped the BG into soil. She is doing hella good. Had her under 3 15W cfls, its day 30 maybe and they are about 9 inches tall but I super cropped all her small branches and now they are about to the top cola. But from what Ive read about taking the main cola and turning it into a clone is hard, since its always growing so its always creating new hormones when the lower branches already have that set ya know? Just my 2cents Im subbed be sticking around, Ill be tossing my BG into flower at the end of this month. Feel free to stop on by my ladies about to get chopped soon too. Deuces!!
To funny good call I actually just checked my seeds and it turns out that it was the c99 seed the Bubblegummer was still in the package but ya ill let you know how the c99 is I just took some clones off it.