White Widow Attempt 2


Active Member
Ok so these are some pics of my ww. Its about 35 days old. day two of veg.

I say attempt 2 because my last plant failed. In my last two weeks of flower there was a heat wave where i was. and my temps soared to 36c + 24/7 and basiclly killed my thc production. this time its fall and my temps are stable.

Basically my rig is two lights on top and then two down each side for a total of 10 30w cfls. i'm only using 6 right now but as the plant grows i'll add the bottom 4.




Well-Known Member
cool pics! good luck on this lady I look forward to seeing some progress keep us posted!


Active Member

I'll save u the wait. lol
these are the last pics of my first plant. It never frosted so i didn't bother with pics after. But i'm hopping for better results this time.


Well-Known Member
My stem looks identical to yours. I'm White widow also, I'm at 36 days from seed and started flowering at about 30. It's gonna be really small yield I think, well I'm not even sure if it's female yet, but it's my first grow and very low wattage. Yours looks much healthier and bigger than mine. Do you grow one at a time? And your light rig looks interesting


Active Member
Ya i bought fem seeds from nirvana. and the bulbs and reflectors at 1000 bulbs.com
But it runs really hot, I think it has to do with the reflectors.
So i just bought Mandala #1, it can grow in Africa. No fem seeds tho :(


Active Member
Thanks guys
I think its the cfls, you can get them really close.

My rig is a prototype, it can be a pain to adjust, and tends to run hot. (but also don't start an indoor grow that finishes in August)


Active Member
Hey guys day 21 of flower update and things are looking sweet. lots of crystals already forming.

Take a look and tell me what you guys think006.jpg010.jpg008.jpg009.jpg002.jpg005.jpg001.jpg007.jpg


Well-Known Member
dude i have got to say that is the most beautiful plant ive seen yet, look at the leaves look at the structure toward the edge they are so defined and tips of the sides are longer than ive seen on any plant. the color is so vibrant!