White Widow ...a little crushed for time.


Hello to all! I have been reading these threads here for a while but this is my first time positng. So we are growing three white widow plants, under a 150w HPS, I know it's not the most light we could have but we are in a temporary place, and didnt want to make too many investments here. Our grow room is probabley 2 1/2 x 2 1/2 feet in a closet, with an adjustable light and fan blowing, and the walls are white. All Mix Soil, Tempertatures high 70's under the light, i dunno about humidity but when the air seems dry I leaave a bowl of water in there. PH 5.8 with Bio_grow diluted solution and also a root mix.

So anyways, the plants are just at about 5 weeks vegging time, and they seem to be doing great. The leaves are lush and green. One question I have is if anyone knows anything about white widow.. is the plant a lot shorter and bushier? I looked on the Greenhouse video on you tube and they seem so. Our light is not real close to the plants.. so I am wondering... should I be feeding it less.. raise the light even more..??... the problem is I am not going to be buying more lights when I have to leave here in 9 weeks, and I dont knwo if the leaves at the bottom willb e recieving enough light because the plants are bushy. PS I am watering them every two days, when the soil feels dry.. these girls are hungry they are growing fast!

I read somewhere that topping white widow plant can make it flower faster.. well being as i am crushed for time, i want to force these plants into flowering. Does anyone know the details to this process? Usually people reccommend to flower ww for 10 weeks, but i would like to try to harvest in 9 when i leave. can it be done? Does anyone know any tips on speeding up flowering, and if it is ok that these plants have only been vegging 5 weeks... they are growing insanely fast but they still arent too tooo tall. Hmmm, well thanks for listening to me ramble on... I have been askeing myself all these questions and figured that maybe some of you guys could give me advice.:lol::lol: Here are the pics at about week 5 they are growin up! camera is not tht great, hopefully i uploaded these pics right. One last note.. I know forcing them to flower might decrease the final yield, but I dont mind, ive gotta move and i would rather have a smaller yield then say good bye to my plantas.

Thanks in advance! :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Looking good :)
Iv not heard of any way you can flower any faster
apart from forced darkness for 24 hours before starting the 12/12 cycle.
I wouldnt top them though as as far as im aware this doesnt flower them faster.


New Member
my widow grew like a mutant short with weird w leaves and tons of branches before ever topping,plus the new growth is all discolored until it gets older. all in all healthy plant weird hun?