White Tips And White Speckles On Leaves

buds o' plenty

Active Member
My plants are 3 weeks into flowering in my hydroponic grow closet and a friend came over last night who said "What's the deal with the white tips and white speckles?" I didn't know what to say as this is my first crop, and I didn't realize this could be a problem. Does anyone no what this means and how to fix it? Also, what do you think of my pics? Do my babies look okay?



Well-Known Member
what nutes? light? cant say for sure but I think its the beginning of heat problems/nure burn. try to cool off the room if its above 85 and if your using a lot of nutes lay off. I suck!


Well-Known Member
what nutes? light? cant say for sure but I think its the beginning of heat problems/nure burn. try to cool off the room if its above 85 and if your using a lot of nutes lay off. I suck!

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
I don't think my nutes are heavy, but I can try that. Heat is more likely because I have a hard time keeping it cool in there.
everything looks fine to me. Keep your temp cool and humidity low. Couldn't really tell cuz the pics were blurry-ish. But it almost looks like its just some trichs growing on the leaves. def. not a bad thing! can you get any better, more focused shots of exactly what your worried about?



Well-Known Member
I think it's the beginning of nute burn, I would watch it and if it gets worse do a flush and then reduce the nute load a bit ;)

Good luck,


Well-Known Member
I think it's the beginning of nute burn, I would watch it and if it gets worse do a flush and then reduce the nute load a bit ;)

Good luck,

buds o' plenty

Active Member
Actually, those pics are great. What you see is what I was concerned about. In fact, I wasn't concerned at all until a fellow grower came by yesterday and made a comment. They look awesome to me! There may be no problem at all, I don't know. But I do watch the heat in there like a hawk cause it can get real hot real quick if I'm not careful.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Actually, those pics are great. What you see is what I was concerned about. In fact, I wasn't concerned at all until a fellow grower came by yesterday and made a comment. They look awesome to me! There may be no problem at all, I don't know. But I do watch the heat in there like a hawk cause it can get real hot real quick if I'm not careful.
I thought i was just really high! :blsmoke: I was squinting at the screen trying to see what the other two see. In one of the pics you could kinda see something that looked like the very very tips were white but your plant looks very healthy and after a month or so your gonna have some nasty nugs!!!


buds o' plenty

Active Member
finally got some thermometers and I now know that 84 degrees is the hottest i've seen today and it stayed around 82 today. I have had thermometers in my veg area for the whole veg time on what i am flowering now and I have seen it go as high as 85 ish .. I am groing purple kush, sour ogkush, lemon master kush, blackberry kush. My ph is 5.8 - 6.2, it stays there, I check it often. They are watered 3x a day 6 / 12 / 6 pm 45 mins each time drip system. We are using General Hydroponics floranova. THANKS FOR ALL THE FEEDBACK ! Any more advice from any one..... I noticed today that some of the top buds have turned amber, it seemed to happen overnight. I had sprayed them yesterday with Garden Safe brand Fungicide 3 concentrate, which is 70% neem oil and claims to be organic and found at Walmart. Is this a good/safe pesticide control ? Thanks again..


Active Member
It looks like you either have crystals forming on the sun leafs, or it looking a little like mites. Have you looked at the undersides of the leafs for little white specs that could be mites? Sorry hard to tell, the pics are a little blurry. As fo ryour watering, a 45 min watering time is alot. If i read it right are you watering a total of 2.25 hours? If thats the case, depending on the size of yoru drips, thats way to much water. i water my plants on a 1/4in line for 3 min every two 2.5 hr. You may want to make sure you dont get root rot from over watering. But your plants do have very nice dark green leafs. So i could ust be paranoid about the mites. I hate those little fuckers.


Well-Known Member
the ambering of the pistils is caused from the spray... dont be concerned.. in a day or two they will be back to bright white...

try to keep a fan in your closet to move air... did you say you had one in there??

if you have mites i would recommend 100% pure neem oil and make your own spray... but what you got should work fine.. getting the cart before the horse... if it looks like your leaves have white freckles then its probably mites... look under you leaves for little black or red or white pin head sized moving things... if you have those or little webs under those leaves or little even smaller white eggs you have mites... spray the shit out of the plant.. make sure you cover the undersides of the leaves just as well as the top sides... thats where those little fuckers live under the leaves... they are pain in the asses.. just so you know neem oil is not a spot killer... i dont know if what you got is or not.. but pure neem oil disrupts the reproductive cycle by affecting the hormones of the little bastards so they cant mature and reproduce... so it might take a few applications 2-3 days apart to get rid of them.. if you have them bad you might want to just get some no pest strips.. the strips will work within a few hours... thats if you have them at all tho... hope you dont.. they are evil evil little son of a bitches...


Active Member
ah, I use a foliar spray at night, and the same thing is happening. I guess when the moist leaves drip at the end, that is where the nutes are more concentrated. I'll hold off from doing it daily, even though it was a weak solution.