white spot on 2nd set of true leaves

Hey RIU,

Recently noticed a white and a yellow spot on a couple of my fan leaves just wanted to know if you guys thought it might have been mold or i also thought it might have been because i nuted a couple days ago but got some on the foilage when watering so i thought it might have created a sun burn so to speak, but i know without pictures its hard to diagnose but i just wanted to know from what i have told you what you thought it could be and or maybe just natural remedies that could solve the problem.

I thought about trying neem oil because you can just add it directly to your nutrient solution but i figured i would ask around first
Or do you guys think it would just be more beneficial to wait the only reason why i didn't want to was just because if it did happen to be mold I didn't want it to become out of control or spread to the others i have growing ya dig.

-Roots organic by aurora
-PBP Grow
-Liquid Karma
-250W MH
-Every other watering distilled at 6.5
-3rd set or true leaves working on the forth as we speak growth seems to be healthy and kind of a rocky start cause i wasn't ph balancing my watering but fixed that problem. working on the forth set now

But thank you guys for the input and i hope to hear from you soon, but one thing i will say that kind of amazes me is that i was at work and could tell that i was getting sick and thought to myself i wonder how my plant is doing and hoping that its not feeling any adverse effects from me being sick but low and behold i go to check on it after work and notice that :sad: its poop ron burgendy poop


Well-Known Member
"white spot" could be a lot. are you foliar feeding? if you are, it could have been light burn, cuased by a droplet on the leaf and the light overheating it. did the spot go through the leaf? could you wipe it off? did it feel dry?


Active Member
If a picture is out of the question, I can tell u my experience of mold. The smell will be distinct before the problem is necessarily visibly apparent. Babies have a distinct fresh smell, I personally quite enjoy it and find it therapeutic. My favorite is pulling the dome off the clones and getting a good whiff. If mold is on the horizon, you can diagnose it quick by smelling. If you smell and are unsure if u have problems, u have no problems, that mold smell is unmistakable.