white film on top of soil


Well-Known Member
Do you use benefical bacteria?

What nutes? Products? Soil? Plant pic?

Also, overwatering is an amature mistake, is does a lot more harm than you think... Go outside and sit on the ground, dig a whole, play in the dirt... It looks nothing like what you got going on, even when you think a pots bone dry, its fine... You should take a plant sometime and water once, dont water again, count the days, youd be suprised... you need less water and more drainage... You should half to water every 2-3 days, just until you see runoff, that's ideal, and I know at first you want to make sure they have everything, most noobs overdue it all! You want your roots to seek water, thus growing... And if your over watering, your probably over or underfeeding... Now I'm not being a dick intentionally, Im Seriously trying to help... If there's one thing I'll leave you with, its less is more my friend, less is more... When you understand that, you'll be on your way...